7 Simple Yet Special Gift Ideas That Say "I Love You" ...

Lyndsie Dec 24, 2011

7 Simple Yet Special Gift Ideas That Say "I Love You" ...
7 Simple Yet Special Gift Ideas That Say "I Love You" ...

I Love You gifts don't have to cost a fortune. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that truly sincere I love you gifts don't really have to cost anything – at least, a majority of the time. This holiday season, if you're looking to find a gift that shows the guy or girl of your dreams how you really feel, you can easily find something simple but absolutely perfect. Here are several simple but special I love you gifts that make your feelings completely clear.

Snapshot Survey

What's your favorite way to express love to someone?

1. Special Coupons

One of the most popular I love you gifts doesn't cost a thing to make, bar things like construction paper and staples. Make your partner a little booklet of coupons to telegraph your loved. One Free Hug, One Free Kiss, One Free Massage – these are all possibilities. And, yes, you can get a little more intimate if you like! You can even make coupons giving your significant other a chance to go out with his or her friends for a night, or to have a video game night – something that proves you recognize his or her need for “me” time.

2. The Perfect Piece of Jewelry

By this I don't mean a gigantic diamond or a Rolex. Rather, you can buy something simple but meaningful, such as one of those breakable I Love You necklaces (as long as it's unisex, so you both feel comfortable wearing it!). You can also make something, like a friendship bracelet or a necklace. This depends on whether your partner likes jewelry but, if so, it's an excellent choice.

3. A Provocative Photo

This is one of those I love you gifts that gets a little cliché, but it's still special. This isn't for everyone, but it might be just the right thing for you and your partner! A picture of you in a provocative outfit or pose really can be special. You don't have to get raunchy at all, but you can evoke intimacy that will remind him or her of your chemistry. An alternative to this is a photo of the two of you together in a lovely frame.

4. A Couples Scrapbook

This is one of my favorite gift ideas. It's sentiment, sweet, and absolutely romantic. All you have to do is buy a scrapbook, and fill it with mementos of your relationship. Photos are a great choice, but you can also include ticket stubs from movies and concerts, items that you've saved to remind you of your relationship, little decorations, love notes, and things like that.

5. Artwork

If you draw, paint, or sculpt – or even if you don't, actually – you should give this one a try. You don't have to be Picasso to get inspired. A piece of art inspired by your relationship makes an excellent, really meaningful gift. Besides, art is subjective – this could even mean knitting or sewing something special.

6. A Personalized List

Why not create a list of all the things you love about your partner? It could be a list filled entirely of compliments, the things you love doing together, or the specific traits you love about your significant other. Decorate it, make it special, that way he or she will always have something special to look at, to remind him or her of your feelings.

7. A Romantic Night

One of the best I love you gifts is just a night together. You can do anything, as long as you're with one another. Do something that your significant other enjoys, or something the two of you love doing with each other. Plan it to the hilt, make it perfect – becomes sometimes memories are the greatest gifts of all.

As you can see, I love you gifts can be homemade and still be meaningful. Sometimes you don't have to spend a dime. When it comes to I love you gifts, the only thing you need to do is make sure it's something your significant other will really love. Make your feelings clear without a word, by taking into account the things that make them happy. What are the best I love you gifts that you've ever given or received?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

My favorite "I love you" gift came from my guitar teacher of two years, he has a girlfriend, but he's just trying to let her down easy. Anyways he gave me a book about our favorite band and he INSISTED on buying it instead of letting me get it from the library. I love him unconditionally and love how he knew exactly what to get :)

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