By Heather • 3 Comments
Oh, you Sagittarian women! You're energetic, curious about the world around you, and you love to travel. You're open minded yet philosophical, you're usually optimistic, and new adventures spark your enthusiasm! Those are all fantastic traits, but in contrast, sometimes you lack tact and relationships can be something of a challenge. That being the case, I bet you'll recognize some of the mistakes you make when you're in a relationship – right?
It's more of a defense mechanism than anything. You're just trying to keep yourself safe.
That's only a bad thing for people who aren't perky. Haters.
This is the thing to be aware of, though. You know you're not fake, but it's a good idea to step back and look at your perkiness from an outside perspective.
Sometimes you just want to pick up and take off on an adventure, you know?
Once it's laid, it's played. Done and can't be undone. The past is passed, in other words. It already happened.
That's what happens when you're adventurous. Sometimes you take outrageous chances.
You'll do it, but you might not like it.
“Unpredictable” or “free-spirited” both sound better, don't you think?
Definitely one to watch. Avoiding problems is understandable, but it's not a good trait to have in your relationships.
Not a bad thing, unless you don't talk to your partner about it.
Which is fine, as long as you're upfront about your intention.
This might be a situation where you have to compromise, though.
There really is such a thing as being too open minded. The thing is, you don't want to swing too far in either direction because then you just get extreme.
Girl, you gotta fix them before you move on!
You always need something to capture your attention or distract you in some way.
Finishing what you start is pretty important when you're in a relationship with someone else, though.
Recognize any of these mistakes, Sagittarius ladies?