Things You Should Never do when You're Breaking up with Someone ...


Things You Should Never do when You're Breaking up with Someone ...
Things You Should Never do when You're Breaking up with Someone ...

There are lots of things you should never do when you’re breaking up with someone. I hate to break it to you ladies, but the sad truth is that at one or more points in your life, you are going to have to go through a break up with someone. Only the lucky few get it right the very first time around, so the art of breaking up becomes something that is essential to learn in order to get on with your life! The tricky part here is that, unfortunately, not everybody knows exactly how to break up in a mature or responsible fashion, which can sometimes lead to disastrous results for both you and your ex! I’m not saying there is a 100% effective way to do it, but what I can say is that there are definitely some things that you should NEVER do. Here is a list of things you should never do when you’re breaking up with someone.

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Lying is one of the top things you should never do when you’re breaking up with someone. Don’t try to let them down gently by lying about why you are breaking up with them, because if you try to sugar coat things with stupid excuses then they might hold on to some hope that they could get you back in the future. If you aren’t in love with them anymore, then say it. It might be hard to hear but it will put the message across much stronger than saying things like ‘I need some time to myself’ and ‘I need to focus on me right now’. The more straightforward you are, the better.



Come on, be an adult and break up with them face to face rather than over text message. Even if you don’t care for them anymore, you must have cared for them at some point, so show them a little respect by having a face to face discussion to end the relationship. Text messages can be so cold and frustrating, and lots of things can be misunderstood and misinterpreted.


Orchestrate Being Dumped

If you want out of the relationship, then you need to be mature enough to do it for yourself. Don’t try to get the other person to break up with you by changing your behaviours and acting out, because it’s not fair to put them through something like that when you could so easily have already ended the situation. Sabotage isn’t a good look on a person!


Give False Hope

In an attempt to be nice and try to let them down gently, some people make the mistake of using language that seems to be hopeful rather than final. Don’t do or say anything that might give your ex false hope of a reconciliation. Chief amongst these things is sleeping with them after you have broken up; what kind of message do you think that sends!?


Do It in Public

Breaking up with someone is something that you should do in private, because picking a public place, or a place filled with mutual friends, is only going to humiliate and embarrass them unnecessarily.

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So true!!

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