16 True Confessions about First Dates That Will Make You Feel Less Awkward ...

By Lyndsie3 Comments

16 True Confessions about First Dates That Will Make You Feel Less Awkward ...

First dates have the potential to be awkward as hell. Sometimes there are disasters lurking in the wings, watching you as you eat your dinner and contemplate dessert.

1 A Family Affair

A Family Affair I don't even understand this.

Frequently asked questions

2 Just like Mom

Just like Mom This is never not a red flag.

3 Good Going down, Bad Coming up

Good Going down, Bad Coming up Vomit always makes for an awkward first date.

4 This is Not How You Netflix and Chill

This is Not How You Netflix and Chill I would run so far away so fast. There are not enough Timbits in the world.

5 Ouch

Ouch Seriously. Just … just ouch.

6 That's Not How Any of This Works

That's Not How Any of This Works I think this might be sexual assault, y'all. For real, nobody should ever do this to you. That's so wrong. If you can get arrested for twerking against an unwilling participant, you can get arrested for this.

7 Which Chicken Hurt This Man?

Which Chicken Hurt This Man? Do you think he had a bad experience with a baby chick? Food poisoning from some McNuggets, maybe? Why does he hate chickens?

8 But is This Really a Deal Breaker?

But is This Really a Deal Breaker? Or is it just kind of groovy? I wonder if they had a nice time.

9 Wait … What?

Wait … What? Seriously, did she double book, did she have a backup, what happened?

10 I Think the Lead-up to This is Important

I Think the Lead-up to This is Important I cannot decide if this is truly awkward without some details. Whisperers, you need to include more details. Add extra Whispers, I don't care. I'll read.

11 I Can Relate to This

I Can Relate to This No, really, my mom came with me to get my tongue pierced, which was also my first date with this guy. It's always awkward. Always.

12 That'll do It

That'll do It I feel bad for both of them, to be honest.

13 Not so Much Awkward as Kind of Gross

Not so Much Awkward as Kind of Gross Plus, I mean, does he remember by the afternoon? Does he get up late? Is there a reason for this lapse in oral hygiene?

14 These Don't Seem to Go Together

These Don't Seem to Go Together Do you get what I mean? That's just an incongruous combination of things.

15 Netflix and No Chill

Netflix and No Chill But then, there's rarely any chill involved anyway.

16 This One Wins

This One Wins This one wins everything. The whole prize.

Let us all thank Whisper for making us feel a little better about ourselves.

h/t: whisper.sh

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