Ways a Broken Girl Loves Differently ...

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Dating a girl that has been broken down and emotionally stunted can be hard. We love differently, we have a relationship differently and we don't ever jump into anything with two feet because we're scared of getting burned again. Relationships are something that is hard for us to define and if you really want to love a girl that's been broken? It'll take time, patience and some magic that you've got to provide. Below, I've got a how-to guide on what can help you navigate through a relationship with a broken girl. If you are the broken girl? Don't worry, share this with your new boy or girlfriend.

1 We Can Be Fragile

black and white, black, person, photography, man,Yes. This is a very big piece to understand. We are damaged, we aren't someone that will immediately start to open up (that part comes later). We'll keep our distance in the beginning but once we realize that it's okay and that you are safe, we will be better. Please, treat your broken girl amazing, she's worth it.

Frequently asked questions

2 Slowness is the Best

Slowness is going to be the best course of action whenever you are dating a broken girl. We don't want to reveal too much information because we might be scared you'll run away. We also like to take things one step at a time. This type of relationship isn't for the fast-talker, fast-mover. Take it completely slow.

3 Opening up? It's Hard

I told you, opening up is really hard. We don't want to let loose because we don't want to scare you. Give us some time and I promise, we'll open up. A broken girl wants to let loose their emotions but she has to be completely sure of herself and of her new partner.


Opening up is like peeling back layers of an onion — we might cry, it might take time, but eventually, we get to the core. A girl with a scarred heart takes every step with delicate caution, even when it comes to sharing her deepest thoughts and feelings. Patience is key; just remember that every small secret she shares is a victory, a sign of trust. It's not that she doesn't want to bare her soul, she just needs to navigate her vulnerabilities with someone who won't judge but will just listen and understand.

4 We've Placed Guards around Our Hearts

This is a pretty common one, of course, we've placed guards around our hearts, we don't want to be a victim again. You've got to find a way to get around the guards to get to our hearts.


Often, these emotional sentinels are a patchwork of past scars and bruises—the leftovers from every time trust was betrayed. Cracking through this armor requires more than sweet words and grand gestures. It takes consistent acts of kindness, patience, and the kind of love that reassures without overwhelming. Gaining trust is a marathon, not a sprint, and every step forward is precious. To love a guarded heart is to embrace the walk before the run, knowing full well that the finish line is a place where love is freely given and received.

5 We Have Some Secrets

Of course, we've all got some secrets but our secrets are our emotions. We hide them, we keep them guarded and we have a really hard time letting anyone else in, so keep that in mind when you are dating us.


Our hearts are like hidden treasure maps, with past scars marking the paths to deeper connection. When you patiently take the journey, you'll discover that our inner world is a mosaic of complexities and depth. It might take time, but earning our trust reveals a raw, unparalleled intimacy. The walls built from a broken past aren't easily dismantled, but offering a safe space for vulnerability can foster a bond that's both rare and beautiful. Remember, beneath the surface of guarded emotions lies a love that, once awakened, is fiercely loyal and profoundly deep.

6 We Can Be Really Affectionate

Yep, we can. We like to kiss, cuddle, touch and hug and we'll give away all of it once we are comfortable with you.


Once that trust is established, expect a whirlwind of warmth every moment we're together. You'll feel like the most cherished person in the world because our affection is intense and pure. For us, each touch is a silent promise of unwavering support, and every hug is a reminder that you're not alone. Just be ready to reciprocate, as our love is a two-way street – and we thrive on that deep, emotional connection. Embrace it, and you'll unlock a level of intimacy that's both rare and beautiful.

7 We Put a Hell of a Lot of Thought into a Relationship

We also want to make sure that we are comfortable in a relationship. We put thought into it, we put ourselves into it and we are a little choosy.


Comfort is key, but so is apprehension. We tread carefully, partly because our past has been littered with fragments of trust that we've had to piece back together. Every potential partner is not just a person, but a puzzle we are trying to solve—will they fit, will they stay, will they understand? And while we may seem all in once we've made the choice, remember that the specter of our history often sits at the edge of our happiness, whispering caution. Such is the complex tapestry of a heart that's been stitched back together—ever hopeful, yet cautious.

8 We'll Always Be There

We aren't the ones that leave all of the time, so, of course, we'll always be there. That doesn't mean that we'll get stepped on all of the time, though.

Whenever you are dating someone that is slightly damaged, you have to be patient, you have to make them feel comfortable and a girl that is damaged is going to love differently. Keep all of these points in mind!

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