7 Ways to Maintain High Standards and Still Find Love ...

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Every woman should know that there are ways to maintain high standards and still be realistic about her options. You should never settle for a man, because you don't think that there is anyone left out there that can compete with him. There are plenty of men that would love to be with you, so you shouldn't be with one you know you don't actually want. Here are some simple ways to maintain high standards, and still be realistic with your desires:

1 Only Waver a Little

After dating a few guys, you should be able to figure out what you want in a partner. There are certain things that you should waver on (like if you want a boy with brown hair, but find one with blonde), but other things that you should never settle for (like an alcoholic if you're dedicated to being with someone sober). One of the ways to maintain high standards is to figure out what aspects are the most important in a partner, and never settle for someone without them.

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2 Realize What Real Men Are

We complain when boys believe that Victoria Secret models are what all women are supposed to look like, so we have to alter our expectations as well. "Real" men aren't going to measure up to Ashton Kutcher and George Clooney, so you shouldn't compare your man to a figure you see on television. However, don't compare him to the lowest of the low either. He doesn't have to be perfect, but he certainly shouldn't be below average either.

3 Realize What Real Love is

Love isn't what you see in the movies. Love isn't even what you see in your parents, or your friends' relationships. Seeing love isn't the same thing as feeling it. You can't compare your relationship to a friend's relationship, because you only see the outside of it, and don't know exactly how she's feeling on a daily basis.

4 Believe You're Lovable

If you think that the guy you're with now is the only person who will ever love you, then you'll be scared to leave him, even if you're unhappy. You have to remember that you're a prize, and there will always be someone else out there willing to love you. Don't stay with someone out of fear of being alone.

5 Surround Yourself with Good Influences

If you hang out with people who are troublemakers, then you'll get used to people like them. You want to associate with people you respect, because it will help you respect yourself. If you're always hanging out with an unhealthy group of friends, try to expand your social circle.

6 Aim High in Other Areas

Every area of your life affects the other ones. If you don't think you'll be able to land a high paying job, then you'll think less of yourself, which could cause you to expect less from a partner. It's a dangerous cycle you don't want to get stuck in.

7 Love Yourself

You're always told to love yourself before you love anyone else, because it's an incredibly important thing to do. If you realize your worth, and know how valuable you are, then you won't settle for less than you deserve. You'll only be with someone that you truly care about, that cares about you as well.

Your standards shouldn't be unrealistically high, or too low, because both mindsets will bring you pain. You need to find someone that will make you happy, and someone that deserves to be with you. Have you found that person or are you still looking?

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