10 All Too Real Reasons Why He Ghosted You ...


10 All Too Real Reasons Why He Ghosted You ...
10 All Too Real Reasons Why He Ghosted You ...

Want to know the all too real reasons why he ghosted you? If the person you've been talking to disappears suddenly without any warning at all, you're definitely not alone, which is why the term ghosting was invented. If you're not familiar with the term, ghosting refers to the moment a person you've been regularly talking to stops responding out of nowhere. With technology, you can easily get in touch with someone in a countless number of ways, so ghosting seems to be much more deliberate and common. Read on to find out the top 10 all too real reasons why he ghosted you.

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1. They're Too Busy

This is a great excuse, but it could easily be true--they might not actually have time for a relationship with a busy schedule full of school, work, and spending time with friends and family. But, at the same time, how busy could he actually be? Think of how quickly you can send out a text--it takes just minutes, or even seconds. No one is too busy to let the other person know what's going on and that this isn't the right time.

2. They're Nervous to Be in a Serious Relationship

The guy you're talking to could be worried about getting hurt again if they had a bad experience with a previous relationship. The fear and nerves could be why they're shutting down and ignoring you rather than being honest with what is going on. Or, they might have never had a serious relationship and don't know how to act. Either way, this shows early on that they're not ready, which is great for you because it will save you so much time, energy, and potentially pain.

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3. He's Not Ready to Commit

They might not be ready to put a label on your relationship and commit. The thought of calling someone a boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancé, or husband/wife is enough to scare some people away if they're only wanting to have some fun. Instead of facing the issues and owning up to their thoughts, they might think it's just easier to stop talking all together. This reveals their true colors and is definitely a sign of their immaturity, which isn't something any woman should deal with.

4. There's Someone else

This is hurtful to think about, but it is possible that your crush is crushing on someone else. It's not healthy to pursue someone who is happy with another person, so just breathe and let it go. Don't try to go and win them over, because think of it this way--if you were in a happy relationship, how would you feel if some other woman was trying to win your boyfriend over? You probably wouldn't be too happy about it, so it's best to just leave things alone.

5. He Could Feel Awkward

Someone not familiar with modern dating might feel awkward and uncomfortable being the one to reach out first, or even reach out at all. If you're not getting any reaction from a flirty text and are simply ignored, don't stress--flirting isn't something everyone enjoys. The guy you're talking to might just quit talking to avoid the awkwardness all together.

6. They Misread Your Signals

Did he know you had feelings for him? Were you waiting for him to make all the moves? Were you playing TOO hard to get? It probably isn't your fault that he disappeared out of nowhere, but it is possible that he honestly didn't realize how you felt. Make sure your intentions are clear, because no one is a mind reader.

7. They're Just Rude

Some people are waiting around for something better to come along, and when that happens, they just disappear. They don't deserve a second of your time.

8. They're Focusing on Their Future

Your lives could both be headed in different directions. This could be literally--if your end goal is to have a career on the east coast and him the west coast, it just won't work and it's not meant to be.

9. They're Embarrassed

The embarrassment could come from multiple things, including not having the nicest car or not being able to afford taking you out. Whatever the reason, they feel you deserve better and they're opting out so you don't figure it out on your own.

10. They're Just Not That into You

He might not be at the same place as you are in terms of feelings. This could also be you, too--there will most likely be relationships where you are just not into him, either, and it'll be difficult to let that person know how you feel. It happens to everyone. Don't let this one person make you think this will happen with every relationship, because there will be someone out there just for you. It just shows what to do and what not to do in future relationships.

Have you been ghosted? Are these 10 all too real reasons he ghosted you accurate? Let us know in the comments!

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Another reason is they like the chase more and once they have you on the hook they’re over it.

I was talking to this guy and he suddenly just stopped talking to me. I was giving him another chance cause he'd already done that so it surprised me that he would do it again


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