How can you know what to expect when moving in with him when you've never, ever lived with a guy? Trust me girls, learning what to expect when moving in with him is one of the most important things in the world. Moving in with a guy is extremely different than living with a girl – or even living with roommates. You have to deal with a ton of guys things, such as combing decorating ideas and even dealing with dirty clothes all of the time. So girls, do you want to explore all of my 'what to expect when moving in with him' tips? Take a look below!
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1. Dirty Clothes Happen
It's a natural thing that dirty clothes are going to happen, but if you are living with a guy, one of the things to expect when moving in with him is dirty clothes in places that you've never had them before. Guys, in general leave dirty clothes all over the floor and all over their bedroom. If you are a neat freak, you've got to learn to accept the fact that he might not be a neat freak too!
2. Combined Decor
One of the things to expect when moving in with him that you're going to have to deal with is combining your décor tastes with your boyfriend. Truthfully, girls, you're going to have to compromise on this one. If he wants to put up some of his football decorations and wants to deck out 'his' man room with anything he wants, just let him, it's part of living together!
3. Make Room for His Video Games
A lot of guys are gamers, which means that you're going to have to make room in your TV stand for his video games. Even if you hate video games, girls, you are living with the man, you've got to put up with it. This is absolutely one of the things to expect when moving in with him! I know when I moved in with my brother (granted, it's not the same, but still!), I had to make room for his PS2, his Wii and all of his games! Think about it, if you're moving in with a gamer, you've got to put up with his gaming systems.
4. You Are Not His Roommate
Another 'what to expect when moving in with him' tip that I have is to remember, you are not his roommate. You don't have to be treated like his roommate. If you are living together, typically that means that eventually, you're going to be moving the relationship forward maybe into marriage. That means that the finances aren't exactly the same as they are with a roommate. So, when you are buying groceries, why not buy them together and share some of the expenses?
5. You Are Not His Mother
In turn, another 'what to expect when moving in with him' tip to remember is that you are not his mother. You don't have to pick up after him and do all of his dishes. Girls, that isn't the way a relationship works and it certainly isn't a way that you should ever be treated. Keep that in mind when you two move in together!
6. Explain Your Pet Peeves
When you are looking to move in with your boyfriend, make sure that you have 'the talk' with him. By 'the talk', I mean that you should both be explaining your pet peeves. You should both be able to open up about what bothers you before you move in together.
7. Don't Expect Him to Pay for Everything
Finally, the last 'what to expect when moving in with him' tip that I have is, split everything. Don't expect him to pay for everything. If you two are living together, you shouldn't expect him to pay for everything, you need to make sure that you are splitting all of the expenses right down the middle.
Now that you know all of the things to expect when moving in with him, you should feel way more comfortable moving in together! So girls, what other 'what to expect when moving in with him' tips do you have to share?
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