How You Hug According to Your Zodiac Sign ...


How You Hug According to Your Zodiac Sign ...
How You Hug According to Your Zodiac Sign ...

Want to know how you hug according to your zodiac sign?

Hugging. For most people, it’s one of the most natural things that a person can do with another person. Embracing someone in a hugging way lets them know how you really feel about them, and it is crazy how a simple set of arms around you can make you feel so special and loved in an instant. Did you ever stop to think, however, that there are so many different kinds of hugs to give that you and everyone else can be put into categories? If you haven’t thought about it before, the world of astrology certainly has! Here is how you hug according to your zodiac sign.

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You tend to be a traditional hugger for everyone in your life, except that one special person on your mind. They will get an even tighter and slightly longer lingering hug than the rest!


For you, Aries, hugs can also be a playful challenge where you might lift someone off their feet to show your strength and enthusiastic affection. However, when it comes to someone you're particularly fond of, your hug transforms into a caring embrace, symbolizing your desire to protect and hold them close. Whether it's a quick squeeze or that one special hug that says more than words ever could, your fiery heart ensures that each embrace is filled with sincerity and warmth.



You are pretty no nonsense in your hugging. You don’t see it as this big statement of affection, so pretty much everyone gets a loose, casual hug from you.



You are all about being up close and personal with your nearest and dearest, so your hug routine involves holding on tightly and always waiting that extra second to let go!


Geminis are known for their social nature, and their hugs reflect this. They love to be close to their friends and family, and their hugs are a way of expressing their love and appreciation for those closest to them. Geminis are known for their warm, genuine embrace that often lasts a bit longer than most. They love to show their affection through physical contact, and a hug from a Gemini is sure to leave you feeling loved and appreciated.

Geminis also tend to be quite expressive when it comes to hugging. They are not afraid to show their emotions, and their hugs often come with a few sweet words or a gentle kiss on the cheek. Geminis are known for being quite creative and imaginative when it comes to expressing their love and appreciation for others, and their hugs are no exception.

Geminis are also known for being quite playful, and their hugs often reflect this. They love to be silly and have fun, and their hugs are often accompanied by a few laughs and some lighthearted banter. Geminis are also quite generous with their hugs, and they are more than happy to share them with those they care about.



When it comes to hugging, you are go big or go home! For you, it’s like every single hug you give could be the last ever, and you make sure it’s a good one!


Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac and is represented by the Crab. People born under the sign of Cancer are known for their strong emotions and intuition. When it comes to hugging, they are all in, as they believe that every hug could be the last one. They give hugs with all their heart, making sure to make it a memorable one. Cancerians are known for their loyalty and compassion, and they show it through their hugs. They are also very protective of their loved ones, and will hug them extra tight to show it. When it comes to hugs, Cancerians are go big or go home!



You like a hug to be super cuddly rather than just a quick embrace. There will most likely be a lot of head on the shoulder action to go along with it.


Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac, is known for their passionate and loyal nature. They are the kings and queens of the jungle, and their hugs reflect that. Leos love to show their affection and their hugs are often long and cuddly. They love to wrap their arms around their loved ones and give them a good squeeze. Leos often give head on the shoulder hugs, which is a sign of deep affection and love.

Leos are also very generous and like to give big bear hugs that often last longer than most other zodiac signs. They are also known to be very tactile and enjoy giving and receiving hugs. When hugging a Leo, you can expect them to be very warm and affectionate.

Leos are also very protective and will often stand up for their loved ones. They are not afraid to show their love and will often be the first to initiate a hug. They are also very giving and will often give out lots of hugs to their friends and family.

Leos are also very passionate and their hugs reflect that. They are often very passionate and will often hug with all their heart. They are also very protective and will often hug someone who is feeling down or in need of comfort.

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Your arms are a big player in your hug game, they like to come across and really envelope your ‘hugee’ to make them feel super safe and secure.


Virgos are known for their attention to detail and their strong sense of responsibility. This is reflected in their hug game, as they take the time to really make sure the person they’re hugging feels safe and secure. Their arms are a big part of this, as they come across and gently wrap around their huggee in an effort to make them feel comforted and loved.

Virgos are also known for their loyalty and their ability to be reliable in times of need. This is also expressed in their hugs, as they make sure to be there for their huggee and provide a sense of comfort and reassurance. They understand the importance of physical touch and are willing to take the time to show their love and appreciation through a hug.

Virgos are also known for their analytical nature and their ability to problem solve. This comes through in their hugs, as they take the time to ensure that their huggee is feeling better after the hug. They are able to pick up on subtle signals and adjust their hug accordingly, making sure that their huggee is feeling loved and supported.



You are the kind of hugger who likes to put one arm around the person's neck, to make sure that you can pull them in close and as tightly as possible.


Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and is represented by the scales. People born under this sign are known for their diplomatic and balanced nature. They are driven by the desire to create harmony in all aspects of life and strive to maintain balance and peace.

When it comes to hugging, Libras are known for the tight and close embrace they give. They want to make sure that the other person feels safe and secure in their arms. Libras are very affectionate and enjoy giving and receiving hugs.

The Libra hugger loves to wrap one arm around the neck of the person they are hugging. This helps them to pull the person in close and tight, creating a sense of security. This type of hug is also known as a “bear hug” and is an intimate gesture of love and affection.

Libras also enjoy giving out a lot of hugs. They are known for their warm and friendly nature and enjoy spreading love and kindness wherever they go. They are the kind of people who will give out hugs to strangers and friends alike.



For you, hugging is a pure expression of affection, and because of this, you literally can’t give one without having a huge smile on your face at the same time!


Scorpios are passionate people, and this is reflected in the way they hug. They are very affectionate and love to give and receive hugs. They don’t just hug, they embrace. Scorpios will often hug for a longer period of time than most other signs. They will hold tight and feel the connection. Scorpios hug with a lot of emotion and it can be felt in the hug. They are very in tune with their emotions and this is expressed through their hugs.

When a Scorpio hugs you, you can feel their love and warmth. They will often hug with a lot of passion and intensity. They are very giving and generous with their hugs and will often go out of their way to make sure you feel special. Scorpios are very loyal and committed to their relationships and this is reflected in the way they hug.

Scorpios are also very protective and this is expressed in their hugs. They will often hold on tight and make sure you feel safe. They are very intuitive and can sense when you need a hug. Scorpios are not afraid to show their emotions and this is reflected in the way they hug. They will often hug with a lot of emotion and passion.



You like to put on a serene and cool front when giving a hug, but inside, you are filled with excitement because you find nothing more soul healing that a good cuddle.


Sagittarius is one of the most passionate signs of the zodiac, and this is especially true when it comes to hugging. They love to show their affection for their friends and family through physical contact, and a hug is the perfect way to express that.

Sagittarius will often go out of their way to make sure their hug is meaningful and heartfelt. They will take their time, ensuring that the hug is as comforting and nurturing as possible. They will also make sure that their hug is not too tight or too loose, but just right.

Sagittarius likes to add a personal touch to their hug. They may whisper sweet nothings in their partner's ear or give them a gentle kiss on the cheek. They are also likely to give a big bear hug that will last longer than most other signs.

When it comes to hugging, Sagittarius is not afraid to show their emotions. They are open and honest about how they feel and will not shy away from expressing it. They are also very generous and will often give more than they receive in a hug.



You tend to enjoy a good hug so much that you will go in for another one as soon as the first has broken off! It’s almost like how Europeans kiss twice on the cheek, you hug twice on the body!


Capricorns are known for their loyalty and dependability, and this extends to their relationships. They are often the ones who will stay with a partner through thick and thin. When it comes to hugging, they tend to be generous and warm, often going in for a second hug after the first one has ended. They are similar to Europeans in that they tend to kiss twice on the cheek, but with Capricorns, they tend to hug twice on the body. This is a sign of their comfort and trust in the relationship, and it shows that they are truly devoted to the person they are hugging.



You are kind of shy and quirky, so your go-to move is a sweet side hug.


Aquarius is an air sign, represented by the water bearer, and is known for being independent, intellectual, and a bit eccentric. They are known for being loyal and friendly, but they can also be aloof and unpredictable.

When it comes to hugging, Aquarius tend to be a bit shy and reserved. They are not usually the type to go in for a big bear hug, but they will show their affection with a sweet side hug. Aquarius will often hug someone from the side, their arms gently wrapped around the other person’s shoulders, and their head resting on the other person’s shoulder. This is a gentle and intimate gesture, and it shows that Aquarius cares deeply about the person they are hugging.

Aquarius are also known for their creativity and originality. They may come up with a unique hug that is all their own, such as a hug from behind with a gentle squeeze or a hug with a pat on the back. Whatever the hug, it will be filled with love and affection.



Much like a Sagittarius, you like to put on a cool and calm front when it comes to hugging, but deep down inside you are bursting with affection, and your tight squeeze often gives you away!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

#7 Lol I'm a Libra and I can assure you this is so true! We like to feel safe and we like a good hug. It very comforting.

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