10 Phases of Dating Every Girl Should Be Aware of ...


10 Phases of Dating Every Girl Should Be Aware of ...
10 Phases of Dating Every Girl Should Be Aware of ...

Phases of dating are different with every single person! Not all of us experience the same things when we're going through the dating process, but ladies, it doesn't matter what order you go in, below I've got the top 10 phases of dating that you'll probably go through. Dating isn't easy, but at least with these 10 phases of dating, you'll know what to expect!

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The First Date

Everyone goes through the first date first – obviously. This is one of the phases of dating where you really get to test the waters and where you get to see if the guy you're out with is the one for you. A first date is the time for chemistry and the time for truly exploring one another to see if you two gel well together!


The Exciting Phase

The second date typically comes next and a few of the dates within that string are called the exciting phase. This is the phase where he tries his hardest to impress you. This is where you go out all of the time! Concerts in the park, picnics, flowers at the beginning of the date. It's all exciting and so much fun!


The Comfortable Phase

This is one of the phases of dating where you feel really comfortable with the guy you're dating. You have him sleep over, you're comfortable with him seeing you in the morning (even if you don't talk to him in the morning because of morning breath) and you can even get dressed with him in the room. It's one of the best phases out there!


The Too Comfortable Phase

Now, this is the too comfortable phase. A lot of women end up losing their men in this phase because men start to feel unappreciated. This is where they stop trying to impress you because they know that they got you. This is where you start to see a lull in sex and you might even be living together. Don't let this phase get you ladies!


In this stretch, it's crucial to keep the spark alive. Men might settle into their comfort zones, but that doesn't mean romance should take the back seat. It's a two-way street - remind him of the sizzling connection you both share. Plan surprise dates, introduce something new in the bedroom, and communicate your needs. Surely, relationships thrive on a stable foundation, but never underestimate the power of a little unpredictability to keep things fresh and exciting! Remember, it's about maintaining that delicate balance between comfort and zest.


The Decline

This is one of the phases of dating that a lot of women start to doubt their relationship. Now, this doesn't happen to every relationship, but if you aren't with the right man, you are probably feeling like maybe you should be looking for the right one. This is where the relationship starts to head south instead of heading north, into a proposal.

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The Breakup

Again, this isn't a phase that everyone experiences, however those of you that are in a relationship that has gone through a breakup, you know the signs. This is where the fights start to get worse and where you feel like you aren't even a couple anymore. Instead of going into the marriage phase, you probably end up slipping into the resentment phase right after you break up.


The Resentment Phase

Resentment feelings typically tend to have a small vibration during a relationship, but they typically come out after a break up. If you've recently broke up with your boyfriend, you're in one of the worst phases of dating, you're in the resentment phase. This could mean that you resent ever being with him or you resent some of the things that you went through.


Getting Back Together

Now that you've gone through the break up phase and the resentment phase, you might be regretting breaking up at all. This is where you could get back together because you are both vulnerable or because you both love each other. Be careful in this stage ladies, this one is a tricky one.



Now, if you do end up getting based the phases of dating where you break up or resent one another, the marriage is the next one! Marriage is so important and for you and your partner to take the next step is incredible!


The Retired Phase

Finally ladies, you get to grew old with your partner. You get to explore retired life, get to visit things that you never thought that you would. This is the time to enjoy each other, after kids and after grand kids. It's the time to take to yourselves.

Going through all of the phases of dating can bring on a ton of different emotions. Remember though, not everyone goes through the same phases of dating! So ladies, what dating phases have you been through? Any to share?

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