30 Telling Signs You Don't Want to Be with Him Anymore ...


30 Telling Signs You Don't Want to Be with Him Anymore ...
30 Telling Signs You Don't Want to Be with Him Anymore ...

No one likes to admit that their relationship is heading to the dog house, but there is no point in avoiding telling signs that you don’t want to be with him anymore and that it may be time to call it quits. Breakups are icky and sometimes it takes a whole lot of little things in our relationship to disintegrate for us to see that it just isn't working anymore. If you are on the fence or have your head in the sand, then see if any of these telling signs that you don’t want to be with him anymore pertain to you…

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1. You Basically No Longer Have Sex

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There is a difference between experiencing a general

lack of interest in sex

, and not feeling sexual towards your partner specifically. If the thought of having sex with your boyfriend is as appealing as drinking a warm fish milkshake, but you are regularly pleasing yourself when he is not around, well, this is one of the telling signs you don't want to be with him anymore.


When it comes to relationships, it can be difficult to tell when it is time to move on. It is important to recognize the signs that you no longer want to be with your partner. One of the most telling signs that you no longer want to be with someone is a lack of interest in sex. This can be a sign of a general lack of interest in sex, or a lack of interest in having sex with your partner specifically.

If you find yourself no longer wanting to have sex with your partner, but still having sexual urges for yourself, this is a sign that something is wrong. It could be that you are no longer attracted to your partner or that you are no longer sexually compatible. It is important to recognize this sign and decide if it is something that can be fixed or if it is time to move on.

Other signs that you may no longer want to be with your partner include a lack of communication, not wanting to spend time together, or not feeling excited when you are together. If you find yourself feeling bored, annoyed, or angry when you are with your partner, this could be a sign that it is time to move on.

2. The Cute Stuff Isn't Cute Anymore

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If his party dance used to get you all hot and bothered and now you vomit a little in your throat every time he starts to boogie, then that’s a sign you don’t want to be with him anymore. We all do things that others may not like or find particularly ‘appealing,’ but if there are


of your partner's which you once found cute but now despise, then there may be some

underlying issues



The article suggests that if a person’s behavior or mannerisms that were once found cute and attractive no longer evoke the same feelings, it may be a sign that the relationship should end. This could be due to a number of issues, such as a lack of communication, trust, or respect.

A relationship should be based on mutual understanding and respect. If the couple is not able to communicate their feelings and needs, the relationship can become strained. If trust has been broken, it can be difficult to rebuild. Respect is also important in a relationship, and if one partner feels disrespected, it can lead to feelings of resentment.

In addition to communication, trust, and respect, it is important to maintain a healthy level of intimacy. If one partner is unable to provide the other with emotional support or physical affection, it can lead to feelings of disconnection and distance. This can make it difficult to feel close to one another and can be a sign that the relationship is not working.

Frequently asked questions

Signs can include feeling happier when you're not around him, avoiding spending time together, no longer planning for the future together, and feeling relieved at the thought of breaking up.

Yes, it's normal to have doubts sometimes, but consistent feelings of uncertainty may indicate that the relationship may not be right for you.

While it's natural for the initial excitement to fluctuate, a persistent lack of enthusiasm about seeing your partner can be a sign that your feelings have changed.

It's possible to recover if both partners are willing to work on the relationship, but it also depends on why you feel like you don't want to be in it.

Staying because of fear of being alone, guilt, convenience, or pressure from others are all signs you might be staying for the wrong reasons.

Constant irritation can signal underlying issues in the relationship, or that you may have outgrown your partner.

Yes, you have the right to leave a relationship that doesn't make you happy or fulfilled, even if your partner hasn't done anything wrong.

You might have fallen out of love if you no longer feel a deep connection, don't miss them when they're not around, and stop having loving feelings towards them.

If you're unsure, give yourself time to reflect on your feelings, and consider talking to a close friend or counselor for perspective.

While it's not always the case, a decline in desire for physical intimacy can be a sign that your emotional connection with your partner is weakening.

3. There's Honesty in the Alcohol

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Do you remember when you used to get a bit tipsy with your man, flirt the night away and then roll home for some fun (but often short-lived) sauciness between the sheets? A good friend once told me that ‘What the heart conceals the drink reveals.’ If the light, fun and flirty you has now been replaced by a

tipsy troll

whom snaps, barks and inevitably ends up arguing with her boyfriend at the end of each night out, then it may be time to rethink your relationship before hitting the town again.


Alcohol can have a powerful influence on our behavior, and it can be difficult to know when our relationship with it has become unhealthy. If you find yourself getting tipsy and then engaging in arguments or other destructive behavior with your partner, it may be a sign that you need to reconsider the relationship.

Alcohol can make us more likely to do things we wouldn't normally do, and it can also cause us to become more aggressive. If you find yourself arguing with your partner more when you're drinking, it's a sign that you should consider cutting back on your alcohol consumption.

It's important to remember that alcohol can also impair our judgment and lead us to make decisions we later regret. If you find yourself making decisions while under the influence of alcohol that you wouldn't typically make when sober, it's a sign that you should take a step back and reassess your relationship.

It's also important to recognize that alcohol can act as a social lubricant, making it easier to connect with others and share our feelings. However, if drinking is leading to arguments and other destructive behavior, it's a sign that it's time to reassess your relationship.

4. Your Mind Wanders as Much as Your Eyes

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Do not get me wrong, to see a beautiful man is a lovely thing and I think it is our right (our duty even) to admire the male form, especially if semi-naked and in impeccable shape. However if what was once a harmless look has now turned into imagining what your babies would look like, or doing the ‘dip and lift’ to create maximum boob exposure every time he passes you by, you may need to ‌

check yourself

and whether or not the relationship you are in is fulfilling all of your needs.


The text is referring to the signs that a person is no longer attracted to their partner. When someone's mind begins to wander and they find themselves admiring other people, it can be a sign that their relationship is no longer fulfilling their needs. This can be especially true if the person begins to imagine what their babies would look like with someone else or if they start to do things to draw attention to themselves when their partner is around.

It's important to be honest with yourself when it comes to relationships. If you find yourself constantly thinking about someone else, it could be a sign that your current relationship isn't working and you need to re-evaluate it. It's also important to remember that it's okay to feel attracted to other people, but it's important to stay true to yourself and your partner and not act on those feelings.

If you're in a relationship and you find yourself feeling less attracted to your partner, it's important to talk to them about it. Communication is key in any relationship and it's important to be honest about your feelings. If you're both willing to work on the relationship, it can be saved. However, if your partner is unwilling to put in the effort, it may be time to move on.

5. Your Temper's Suddenly on a Very Short Leash

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Arguments are a natural part of any relationship; it is inevitable that you and your partner will clash from time to time. However, if the arguments have become a daily occurrence and it seems you can not have a conversation with your boyfriend without blowing your lid, then something is obviously up. A lot of the time we

argue over the little things

because we are unable to address the real issues at hand or express what is really getting to us.


If your temper is suddenly on a very short leash and you find yourself arguing with your partner on a daily basis, it may be time to evaluate the relationship. This could be a sign that something is wrong and that there are underlying issues that need to be addressed. It is important to take a step back and look at the situation objectively.

Often, when couples are arguing, it is not about the small things that they disagree on, but rather the bigger issues that they are unable to address. It could be that one or both of you are feeling neglected or unheard. It is important to take the time to talk about these issues and express how you are feeling.

It is also important to consider the way that you and your partner communicate with each other. Are you both able to talk in a respectful manner and come to a compromise? If not, it could be a sign that the relationship is not healthy.

If you are finding that your temper is on a very short leash and that your arguments are becoming more frequent, it may be time to consider whether the relationship is worth continuing. It is important to remember that a relationship should be a source of comfort and support, not a source of stress and conflict.

6. Conversations Are Too Boring to Care

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Good conversation is one of the foundations of every relationship. It may be a

sign that your relationship has run its course

if the conversation between you and your boyfriend has gone from stimulating to 'struggling to stay awake' dull. Do you find yourself contemplating what to make for dinner when he is telling you about his day? Would you rather watch paint dry than listen to him talk about his job or social life?


Conversations are key to a successful relationship, and if yours is lacking, it could be a sign that it's time to move on. If you find yourself bored and uninterested in what your partner has to say, it could be a sign that you're no longer invested in the relationship. You may be more focused on mundane tasks like what to make for dinner rather than paying attention to what your partner is saying. Additionally, if the conversation has become dull and uninteresting, it could be a sign that your relationship has run its course.

It's important to remember that communication is essential to any healthy relationship. If you're not able to have meaningful conversations with your partner, it could be a sign that you're not compatible anymore. It's important to be honest with yourself and your partner about how you're feeling. If you're not able to have open and honest conversations, it could be a sign that the relationship isn't working.

7. You've Gone from Low Maintenance to No Maintenance


It is healthy to be comfortable around your partner, but it is very much a balancing act where caring too much may mean you are not yourself around him, and not caring enough may mean that you no longer care what he thinks about you. If you let out more gas than giggles or can not remember what your lady bits look due to the ‘foliage’ downstairs, then you may be ‌

letting yourself go

because subconsciously you want to let him go.


It is not uncommon for relationships to go through stages, and it is possible to go from low maintenance to no maintenance. This can happen when one partner feels like they are not appreciated or not being taken care of by the other. This can be a sign that one partner is no longer interested in the relationship or that they are no longer happy with their partner.

It is important to recognize the signs that you are no longer happy with your partner and that you are no longer invested in the relationship. If you are no longer taking care of yourself, or if you are no longer trying to look nice for your partner, it is a sign that you may be subconsciously trying to let go of the relationship. Additionally, if you are no longer interested in engaging in activities that you used to enjoy together, or if you are no longer interested in spending quality time with your partner, it is a sign that the relationship may be nearing its end.

8. You Have Absolutely No More F*cks to Give


Although arguing all the time can be a

sign that you don't want to be with him anymore

, so can not caring enough to argue at all. If your boyfriend upsets you or does something that in the past would have been an issue with you, and instead you couldn't care less, then maybe you have used all of your energy when it comes to your relationship and have no more to give?


When it comes to relationships, it is important to recognize when you are feeling unfulfilled or when you are no longer interested in your partner. This can be difficult to identify, but there are certain signs that may indicate you don’t want to be with your partner anymore. One sign is that you no longer argue with your partner, even when they do something that would have previously upset you. This could be a sign that you have used up all of your energy when it comes to the relationship and have no more to give.

Other signs that you may not want to be with your partner anymore include not wanting to spend time with them, not feeling excited when they do something nice for you, and not caring about their opinion or feelings. You may also find yourself making excuses to not see them, avoiding conversations with them, or not being interested in their activities. If you find yourself in any of these situations, it could be a sign that you don’t want to be with them anymore.

9. You Don't Even Care if Your Boyfriend is Faithful, Really

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Jealousy is an ugly trait, but there is a difference between caring whether or not your man is faithful to you and wanting to rip his eyeballs out if he so much as looks at another woman. To be frank, it’s important that you care that it’s only you he is bumping uglies with. Unless group love is your thing, you might have cause for concern if you have no issue with the idea of your boyfriend getting physical with another woman.


In a healthy relationship, it is natural to care about your partner's faithfulness. However, if you find yourself not caring whether or not your boyfriend is faithful, it may be a sign that you have lost interest in the relationship. This could be due to a lack of trust or a lack of emotional connection. Additionally, if you are open to the idea of your partner being physically intimate with others, it could indicate that you are no longer invested in the relationship. It is important to address these feelings and communicate with your partner to determine the root cause and address any underlying issues.

10. Even Casual Conversations Bore You to Tears

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Have chit-chatting about your plans or debriefing one another about your day become a chore? Communication is vital to a healthy relationship. If you can't bring yourself to have a quick conversation with your partner, he/she is clearly no longer an important part of your life and you'll probably want to think about having the breakup talk.


It's more than just being disinterested; it's downright dreadful having to exchange even the most basic pleasantries. When those little "How was your day?" interactions feel akin to trudging through a swamp, it's a blaring siren that your partner is no longer your confidant, but a stranger occupying the same space. And deep down, that silence screams louder than words ever could – you're just done. Maybe it’s time for a heartfelt truth session to release the ties that have become more burdensome than beneficial.

11. You Try Not to Be Alone with Your Man

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Some couples are inseparable, however, some people still enjoy time with friends and even some time alone. If you find yourself constantly making plans without your partner and tend to ignore them when you're out with others, it's a sure

sign you're ready to move on



This text is a warning sign that a relationship may be coming to an end. If one partner starts to avoid spending time with the other, it can be a sign that they are no longer interested in the relationship. This can be especially true if the partner starts to make plans without the other and ignores them when out with friends. In this case, it may be time to move on and find someone else. Other signs that a relationship is in trouble include lack of communication, lack of trust, and lack of respect. If these signs are present, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship and consider if it is still worth pursuing.

12. You're All about Yourself, All the Time


Loving yourself is something we should all learn and be able to do. But, if we're no longer into our partner, we can easily overlook our partner's wants and needs and only focus on ourselves. Maybe you no longer care whether he likes what you wear or whether she'll want some help with her school project. If your list of priorities has become all about you, your partner is probably no longer an important part of your life.


This text is about the importance of loving yourself but also recognizing when you are no longer into your partner. When this happens, it can be easy to forget about their wants and needs and only focus on yourself. A sign that this is happening is when your list of priorities is all about you and your partner is no longer an important part of your life. This is one of the 30 telling signs that you may not want to be with your partner anymore, as highlighted in the article. It is important to recognize when this is happening and take the necessary steps to move on in a healthy way.

13. The Two of You Have Zero Respect for Each Other

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Respect is HUGE in any relationship. If you didn't respect your family or friends, what do you have? There are lots of relationships with love, drama and passion but if the respect is missing, it never lasts.

When a couple doesn't respect one another

, you don't care how you treat her, you don't care about what he wants and you definitely don't care to be in a relationship with them.


Respect is a crucial aspect of any healthy relationship. According to Bustle, a lack of respect can be a major warning sign that a couple is not meant to be together. It can manifest in various ways, such as not caring about each other's feelings, disregarding boundaries, or not valuing each other's opinions. When respect is absent, the relationship lacks a strong foundation and is likely to struggle in the long run. In fact, studies have shown that lack of respect is one of the top reasons for relationship dissatisfaction and even breakups. Therefore, it is essential for couples to prioritize respect in their relationship to maintain a healthy and lasting bond.

14. There's No Trust between You, Either

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You need to trust the person you're dating. If you assume he's cheating on you every single time he leaves the house, something is very wrong. You can't start fights whenever he goes somewhere without you, so you need to ‌

learn to trust him

or leave him.


In any relationship, trust is a crucial foundation. Without it, the relationship is bound to fail. This is especially true when it comes to romantic relationships. In the article, "30 Telling Signs You Don't Want to Be with Him Anymore," the author highlights the importance of trust in a relationship. They mention that constantly assuming your partner is cheating and starting fights whenever they leave the house is a clear sign of mistrust. The article also emphasizes the need to learn to trust your partner or to leave the relationship if trust cannot be established. Without trust, a relationship will struggle to survive and can ultimately lead to its end.

15. Your Man is Always Your Last Priority

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If you choose your friends, your job, and your family before him, your relationship will suffer. Yes, some things are more important than he is, but you should still put him high on your to-do list. Why are you with him if you don't consider him an ‌

important part of your life



In addition to being a love article on a women-focused blog, this paragraph highlights the importance of prioritizing your partner in a relationship. It emphasizes that while there may be other important things in your life, your partner should still be a high priority. This supports the overall message of the article, which is to pay attention to signs that you may not want to be with your partner anymore. By not prioritizing your partner, you may be unintentionally showing that you are not fully invested in the relationship. This can lead to feelings of neglect and resentment, ultimately causing the relationship to suffer. It is important to consider your partner as an integral part of your life in order to maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

16. He's in Your Way, Not Part of Your Life

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Is he in the way of you achieving your dreams? If you don't think you'll ever land your dream job, because he's dragging you down,

dump him

. If you don't, you'll resent him for the rest of your life.


This article highlights the importance of recognizing when a relationship is no longer serving you and when it's time to walk away. It specifically addresses the scenario where your partner is hindering your personal growth and preventing you from achieving your dreams. The article encourages readers to evaluate their priorities and not settle for someone who is holding them back. It emphasizes the long-term consequences of staying in a relationship where you feel restricted and unfulfilled. Ultimately, the message is to prioritize your own happiness and not sacrifice your dreams for someone who is not a positive influence in your life.

17. Everything He Says and Does Gets on Your Last Nerve


Do you get mad at him for every little thing he does? If you get angry when he tries to hug you or buys you flowers, then you're looking for

reasons to scream

. Don't stay with someone that makes your blood boil whenever they enter the room.


If you find yourself feeling angry and frustrated when your partner does something small, like giving you a hug or buying you flowers, it may be a sign that you don't want to be with him anymore. It is important to recognize that the relationship is no longer healthy and it is time to move on. Other signs that you don't want to be with him anymore include feeling distant, not being able to communicate effectively, and having difficulty trusting him. You may also find that you are no longer interested in spending time together or that you don't enjoy his company as much as you used to. If you find yourself feeling any of these things, it is time to consider ending the relationship.

18. You Don't Carve out Time to See Him

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Do you make time to see him? If you cancel plans with him, because you don't feel like showering, then you must not be too interested in him. Your partner should make you want to get out of the house to see him. If you can go weeks without seeing his face, don't bother to remain a couple.


In addition to not making time to see your partner, there are other signs that you may not want to be with him anymore. For example, if you constantly find yourself making excuses to avoid spending time with him, or if you no longer feel excited about seeing him, these could be indicators that your feelings have changed. Similarly, if you find yourself avoiding physical intimacy or feeling annoyed by his presence, it may be a sign that you are no longer interested in being with him. Pay attention to these signs and consider discussing your feelings with your partner to determine if the relationship is still fulfilling for both of you.

19. You Complain More than You Converse

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When you talk to your friends and family about him, do you brag about his accomplishments or complain about all of the things he does that bother you? If you're always complaining, you shouldn't be with him. Your partner is meant to cause you more happiness than pain.


Complaining more than conversing in a relationship can be a sign that things are not going well. According to a study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, couples who tend to focus on the negative aspects of their partner are more likely to end up in divorce. Additionally, constantly complaining can create a toxic and negative environment in the relationship, leading to feelings of resentment and dissatisfaction. It is important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, but if complaining becomes the main form of communication, it may be a red flag that the relationship is not working.

20. Tbh, You Prefer Doing Things Alone


Would you rather go to that new movie you've been dying to see alone than turn it into a date with your partner? You should want to spend as much time with him as possible. If you'd

rather do things alone

, you might as well dump him to be alone.


It is important to pay attention to the signs that you don't want to be with your partner anymore. Preferring to do things alone is a clear sign that your relationship is not working. This could mean that you are not enjoying spending time with your partner, or that you would rather not be in a relationship with him. It is important to be honest with yourself and your partner about your feelings. If you are not happy, it is time to move on. Talk to your partner and explain your feelings, and then make a decision that is best for both of you.

21. His Nudity and Advances Make You Cringe

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Do you cringe whenever you see him naked? If you do, it's going to weigh on your relationship. You should think your partner is the sexiest person on the planet, even though he has flaws. If you are

no longer excited by the sight of him

, then you might have to end it all.


It is not uncommon for a person to feel uncomfortable or even cringe when they see their partner naked. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as differences in body type, changes in physical appearance, or even a lack of physical attraction. If this is the case, it can take a toll on the relationship and can be a sign that it is time to end the relationship.

When a person is no longer excited by the sight of their partner, it can be a sign that they have lost interest in the relationship. This can be due to a number of reasons, such as a lack of communication, a lack of intimacy, or even a lack of chemistry. If this is the case, it is important to be honest with yourself and your partner about how you feel and to take the necessary steps to end the relationship.

It is also important to remember that physical attraction is not the only factor in a relationship. While it is important to be attracted to your partner, it is also important to have shared values, interests, and goals. Without these things, the relationship can quickly become stale and unfulfilling.

22. His Pain Isn't Your Pain

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When he loses his job or gets the flu, you should be upset for him. If you couldn't care less, then why are you dating him? You shouldn't be with someone if you aren't concerned whether they're dead or alive.



In a healthy and supportive relationship, partners should care about each other's well-being and be there for each other during difficult times. This paragraph emphasizes the importance of empathy and concern for your partner's struggles, whether it's losing a job or getting sick. It suggests that if you don't feel any emotional connection or concern for your partner's well-being, it may be a sign that the relationship is no longer fulfilling for you. It's important to communicate openly and address any issues in the relationship rather than staying in it out of habit or fear of being alone.

23. You Never Feel Butterflies Anymore

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Remember how you felt light when he'd kiss you and would get butterflies in your stomach whenever he looked at you? Those feelings aren't supposed to persist after

years of dating

, but you should still feel some sort of joyful emotion when you're with him. If you don't, then something is wrong.



The lack of butterflies and joyful emotions in a relationship can be a sign that the honeymoon phase has ended. However, it can also be a sign that you no longer have strong feelings for your partner. According to relationship experts, it's natural for the intensity of emotions to decrease over time, but there should still be a sense of happiness and contentment when you're with your partner. If these feelings are completely absent, it could be a sign that you no longer want to be with them. It's important to communicate with your partner and address any underlying issues before making any decisions about the future of your relationship.

24. Sometimes You Tell People You're Single


When you meet cute men, do you forget to mention that you have a boyfriend? Maybe you

blatantly lie

and say that you're single. Either way, it shows that you're sick of your boyfriend. If you wanted to be with him, you'd brag about him every chance you got. If your mouth is shut, then your relationship is over.


This paragraph suggests that sometimes, women in relationships may intentionally or unintentionally hide their relationship status when meeting new men. This behavior can be a sign that they are no longer satisfied with their current relationship and are seeking attention or validation from others. This could also indicate that they are not proud or happy with their partner and are avoiding mentioning them. This could be a red flag for the health of the relationship and may require further communication and reflection on the part of both partners.

25. You're Pretty Sure You've Fallen out of Love

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Here's the biggest sign that you should break up. If you used to be head over heels in love with him, but you know you've lost those feelings, you shouldn't stay together. Every couple has issues, but if you've genuinely

fallen out of love

with him, there's no sense in sticking around.


It is important to recognize the signs that you have fallen out of love with your partner. If you used to be in love with him, but now find yourself feeling like you have lost those feelings, it is time to take a step back and evaluate the relationship. It is possible that the two of you have unresolved issues or that the relationship has simply run its course. There is no benefit in staying together if you have genuinely fallen out of love. It is important to be honest with yourself and your partner in order to make the best decision for your relationship.

26. You Never Talk about the Future Anymore


Once upon a time, the two of you discussed your future constantly. You took delight in every similar vision and spent hours planning the house you wanted, where you wanted to settle, how many pets you'd have, if you wanted kids. Those talks are long gone, though.


This paragraph highlights a common issue in relationships where the couple stops talking about their future together. This lack of communication can be a sign that one or both partners have lost interest in the relationship. It may also indicate that they have different goals and aspirations, making it difficult to plan a future together. This can lead to feelings of disconnection and uncertainty about the relationship's longevity. Additionally, it could be a sign that the couple is no longer on the same page and that their priorities have shifted. This can be a red flag for the health of the relationship and may require open and honest communication to address any underlying issues.

27. In Fact, You Can't Even Imagine a Future with Him

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You've stopped talking about the future mainly because you no longer see your man in your vision of the future. There's no place in it for him, and when you imagine happiness, he's

nowhere in the picture

. It's easier to avoid talking about it at all.


This paragraph discusses the lack of future plans and vision with a significant other as a sign that the relationship may not have a future. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 51% of women say that shared interests and hobbies are important for a successful marriage. This highlights the importance of envisioning a future together and having common goals and interests. When these are missing, it can be a clear indication that the relationship may not have a future. It is also important to note that communication about future plans is crucial for a healthy relationship, and avoiding these discussions can be a sign of underlying issues.

28. Being around Other Couples is Awkward AF


Seeing happy couples just reminds you that you're not part of one. It's difficult to spend time as a couple around friends who have healthy relationships. You're constantly reminded of all the things your relationship lacks.


This awkwardness around other couples can also stem from feelings of jealousy or resentment towards those who have successful relationships. It can also be a constant reminder of the issues and problems in your own relationship. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, as you may feel like the odd one out among your friends. Additionally, being around other couples can make you question your own relationship and whether it is truly fulfilling for you. It's important to address these feelings and communicate with your partner to work towards a healthier and happier relationship.

29. You Ignore Your Problems Instead of Fixing Them


Where you used to talk things out and try to fix your problems, you no longer bother. What's the point? If there the same problems you've been dealing with since the beginning of the relationship, you're no doubt tired of them. Even if they're new issues, you've reached a point where you just

don't care about fixing them



This paragraph highlights a common issue in relationships where one or both partners stop actively trying to solve problems. This can be a sign that the relationship is no longer a priority and that the partners have become complacent. It can also indicate a lack of communication and effort in the relationship. According to the article, ignoring problems can lead to resentment and further damage the relationship. It suggests that addressing and resolving issues is crucial for a healthy and fulfilling relationship. The article also provides tips on how to address and fix problems in a relationship.

30. The Whole Relationship Feels like an Obligation

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Spending time together, being intimate, having a conversation, even being in the same room – everything feels more like an obligation than a relationship. You have to be there. It's something you have to do, not something you genuinely want to do.


is definitely not a healthy emotion in a relationship.

Relationships are not black and white; everyone I know has had doubts about their love relationships at one time or another in their lives. We don’t always know without a doubt that the relationship we are in is the one for us but there are signs that indicate which way things are going. Often our bodies, moods and emotions tell us what we are really feeling before we are ready to face it ourselves. Does anyone have any other telltale signs that you no longer want to be in the relationship you are in?

This post was written in collaboration with editors Lyndsie Robinson, Lisa Washington, and Holly Riordan.

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Me also I get get annoyed easily

4 out of 9 for me.

It's definitely frustrating at times. Our main problem is...he likes to throw jabs, low blows about a problem I'm struggling with. He always ends it with "I'm only playing" when sometimes he may be but other times...he's really not.

How would you let him go without hurting him, because hes crazy enough to hurt himself if you hurt him

What is this all about gosh i do not want to be dealing with this.

samesies :( for like 1 year and a half and I AM NOT EVEN SURE............ =.=

so much here .... the other thing to mention is you feel like you are dying, which the author didn't mention but if you add up everything she has written about, face it, it's DEAD and that's why you feel like you're a walking corpse... it's OVER AF

I keep avoiding sex but i just not in the mood