10 Flirting Tips to Make You Irresistible ...

Sici Mar 11, 2019

10 Flirting Tips to Make You Irresistible ...
10 Flirting Tips to Make You Irresistible ...

The dating pool can be deep and treacherous sometimes, especially if you don’t have the appropriate flirting skills! It can be difficult to walk that fine line between being too shy and being too confident because both can be off-putting when you are looking to impress a crush! Don’t worry, though, I am here to help! Here are ten flirting tips that will help to make you irresistible!

Snapshot Survey

What's your idea of the perfect date night?

1. Eye Contact

It doesn’t matter so much what you are saying if you are committed to keeping eye contact with your crush! The eyes say more than the mouth ever could, so work on being confident enough to maintain that eye contact.

2. Smile

Try to avoid any hint of resting bitch face by forcing a smile as often as you can! Guys are very simple; they see a smile, and it makes them more attracted. Smiling makes you seem instantly more approachable.

3. Make the First Move

It’s 2019, we don’t have to abide by the old fashioned rules anymore! A guy will really dig it if you are bold enough to make the first move, because it will make him feel like he is truly wanted and not just pestering another girl who isn’t interested!

4. Body Language

Try to be as open and inviting with body language as possible. Avoid things like crossing your arms and your legs because this can come across as guarded and standoffish. The more open your body is to him, the more attracted he will become.


Similarly, remember the power of a genuine smile and consistent eye contact. These simple gestures can communicate your interest and warmth without saying a word. Use your posture to your advantage by leaning in slightly when he speaks—it shows engagement and that you are actively listening. Pair these actions with a light touch on the arm or shoulder at the right moment to reinforce your interest. But remember, subtlety is key; overdoing it might come off as insincere or overwhelming. Keep it natural, and let your body echo the friendly and flirty cues your conversation sends.

5. Dress up

It’s not rocket science. If you go out feeling and looking like a million dollars, then you are going to look and feel that way to other people as well! Guys are all about living that fantasy of getting the best looking girl at the party.

6. Talk

Don’t try to pull off that silent, alluring type that you see in movies. You will have much more real success if you aren’t afraid to talk to guys and actually get to know them. Don’t underestimate the power of good conversation!


Engage with genuine interest and a touch of personal charm. Simple questions and shared laughter can lay the groundwork for a meaningful connection. Remember, it's not just about what you say, but how you listen. Showing real interest in his thoughts and feelings can make you stand out. A good balance between sharing and listening makes for a conversation that flows. Keep it light and fun, but don't shy away from sharing your own stories; your unique perspective adds to your allure.

7. Touch

Make the conscious effort to break the touch barrier; that is an easy way to get him interested. Casually do things like stroke his arm, wiping something off his shirt ... all those little touches that help to build intimacy.


When you lean in and whisper a joke, lightly touch his shoulder as you pull away, sparking a tingling sensation that might linger longer than the laughter. As you hand back a pen or a drink, let your fingers gracefully brush his, adding a charge to even the most mundane exchanges. Remember, subtlety is key—overdoing it can feel contrived. Approach each interaction with a natural flow, allowing the chemistry to build. Before you know it, these flutters of contact could lead to a powerful connection.

8. Compliments

Pay him compliments! Guys are very basic creatures, if you stroke their ego, they will be much more interested in spending time with you!


Be genuine in your praise and notice the little things that make him unique. Whether it's his sense of humor, his style, or the way he talks about his passions, letting him know you see and appreciate these qualities will boost his confidence. But remember, sincerity is key—overdoing it or dishing out hollow compliments can backfire. So, when he does something impressive or looks particularly sharp, tell him. It's all about making him feel good about himself; after all, a man who feels appreciated will always do more to be appreciated.

9. Don’t Be Boring

If you are in a party or bar situation, the facts are that if you are boring, a guy can just move on to someone else in a second! Bring your best interesting A game to the party and dazzle him with your personality.


Engage him with tales of your adventures, humorous anecdotes, or thought-provoking ideas. Showcase your wit and knowledge on a variety of subjects, which indicates you're well-rounded and vibrant. A hint of mystery can also be enticing, so don't spill all your secrets at once. Use your body language to accentuate your storytelling, like animated gestures or soft touches on the arm for emphasis, which can also serve as subtle, flirty moves. Remember, you want to present a version of yourself that's genuinely intriguing, not a rehearsed persona.

10. Too Strong

Try not to come on too strong. You might think that being overly sexual is the easiest way to get a guy interested, but sometimes it can have the opposite effect and can actually be seen as desperate and off putting.

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