Perfect Advice to Help You Find the One ...


Perfect Advice to Help You Find the One ...
Perfect Advice to Help You Find the One ...

Are you wondering how to find the "one"? What's the secret formula? What mixture helps you find him?

You're the formula. You're the secret.

It doesn't mean you'll get there faster. I know that isn't the part most want to hear, but the secret for the right one is you. To be you, always, to be the right one will always help attract him.

Below are two helpful hints for how to find the "one".

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Be confident, but not cocky. Being confident is one of the best answers for how to find the "one".

And anything you may potentially lack in confidence, I am sure the right one could help you with. That, alone will not only help you love him more, but also help you love you more.



If he can't handle all of you from day one, he won't be able to handle all of you forever. The right one will look at quirks as cute, and they'll be something that help him continue to fall in love with you. Don't be afraid to display and show them, because the right one will love all your crazy quirks. And you might even find you begin to love yourself even more.

Think about it in such a way from a bit of poetry that I'll list below (From

"When the right man looks at you,
The life he always wanted starts.

When the right man looks at you,
The life he always wanted never ends.".

I think I would add, "When the right man looks at you, and he finds you, and you find each other, the universe of not only his life, but yours, may start to blossom into something you both may never knew existed."

So, what's the secret formula? Be you and don't hide who you are. The only way you'll know if you found the right one, and they'll know they found the right one is by being all of who you are.

Why waste your time by trying to hide parts of you? Because you feel you might scare someone off? If being you scares someone off - good. It gives you and the right one more time to find each other.

It may not sound like something you want, but if you are looking for the right one, it really is what you want. Scare off the wrong ones to help weed through and attract that right one because he could be standing in that same weeded field ...waiting.

Always remember, If he can't handle all of you from day one, he most likely won't be able to handle all of you forever.

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