Do These Things if You Want Your New Romance to Last ...


Do These Things if You Want Your New Romance to Last  ...
Do These Things if You Want Your New Romance to Last  ...

The feeling that you get when beginning a new romance is unlike any other … the butterflies, the feelings of light-headedness and the excitement of exploring a new chapter in your life with somebody that truly makes you feel special. When it happens, you're probably looking for ways to make your new romance last.

However, once this initial honeymoon period starts to come to an end, you have to start to look at your relationship in a new way, a way that will be able to sustain it after that new romance spark has started to diminish. If you are looking for ways to make your new romance last, then read on for five great tips.

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Always Make an Effort

photograph, black, black and white, monochrome photography, photography, Making an effort with each other is one of the best ways to make your new romance last. It is really important that you always carve out time for each other, and make an effort to see and do things for one another, even when your time is stretched by other factors and commitments. To ensure that your partner knows that he is one of your top priorities, make sure that you do as much as you can, even when it is inconvenient, to spend time with him and help him when he needs it.


Maintain Positivity

photograph, facial expression, black and white, monochrome photography, emotion, It can be very easy for a relationship to turn sour after the honeymoon period is over, when some of those little flaws that annoyed you about your partner are no longer cute quirks that you can overlook. Do your best to make sure that these small things don’t turn into much bigger problems by keeping a really positive attitude within the partnership. This goes too for when you encounter problems in your relationship. Face them with a smile and face them together and you will make it through.


Don’t Be Scared to Be Vulnerable

black, photograph, black and white, photography, emotion, The more vulnerable you are with your new partner, the more connected the two of you will become. If you are guarded, you might think you are doing this in your best interest, but if your partner feels like you are holding back from him, then he might not want to stay in a relationship that he sees as unequal, in terms of trust and honesty.


Share Your Flaws

man, black and white, monochrome photography, emotion, photography, Rather than spending all of your time and effort trying to hide your perceived flaws from your new partner, it's much more important to open up and share them. If you are going to be together for a long, long time, then there is no chance that you will able to keep up appearances and still be honest! Instead of hiding them, celebrate them and perhaps even work on fixing them as a couple.


Keep Celebrating

photograph, black, black and white, monochrome photography, photography, Just because you have passed the early stages where everything is super exciting and new, it doesn’t mean that you can’t celebrate what you have! Make up different excuses to go out on the town and treat yourselves. Eight-week anniversary? Congratulations! Three and a half months together? Go ahead and celebrate with an expensive dinner date!

Any relationship with a long-term future is going to need work – from both of you.

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