7 Indisputable Reasons to End Your Relationship Immediately ...

Jackie Oct 25, 2013

From the classic “we need to talk” breakup phrase to the “it’s just not working out” explanation, there are seemingly endless reasons to end your relationship. Breaking up is difficult. It can mean tears, frustration, anger and confusion. But no matter how long you’ve been together, how old you are or how much you think you love him, these 7 scenarios are the definitive reasons to end your relationship ASAP.

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1. Physical Abuse

No-one deserves to be abused. And if you consider the many reasons to end your relationship, physical abuse should take the number one slot every single time. There are not enough roses in the world to take back bruises or broken bones. Apologies will not make you forget the pain. Your personal safety and health is not worth sticking around in the hopes that he will change. If your boyfriend, husband or partner hits you, you need to leave them immediately. Turn to family and friends for help, notify the police. Leave and never look back.

2. Emotional and Verbal Abuse

While physical abuse is a dangerous and terrible situation to address, emotional and verbal abuse can be just as harmful in a relationship. Your partner is supposed to love and respect you, not make you feel worthless, depressed, anxious or unwanted. Verbal abuse can leave lasting mental scars, and is something not to be taken lightly. If you are in a verbally abusive relationship, you need to put on a brave face and end it. You are worthy of love and happiness and deserve nothing less.

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3. Chronic Cheating

Ending a relationship for a single indiscretion is highly debatable. While it’s true that people make mistakes, it’s also true that some people just will not change. If your partner has cheated on you on more than one occasion, chances are they will just continue to do so. If you’re always feeling self-conscious over if you’re good enough, always wondering where they spend their time or if you feel compelled to check their phone for proof of an infidelity, it seems your relationship is not worth saving. Break it off and find someone who wants you and only you.

4. Overly Possessive Behavior

While it’s nice to be looked after and cared for, there is a limit to how much involvement your partner should have in your life. If you find yourself constantly being pulled away from people important to you at your partner's request, you should consider the possibility that they are overly possessive. If you’ve tried explaining that you enjoy having time with your family and friends only to be met with disapproval and arguing, it’s time to end the relationship and remain close with those who matter most to you.

5. Lack of Support

If you have a dream of starting your own business, exploring a new hobby or looking for a new job only to be told that you can’t do it, your significant other doesn’t seem to think you’re very significant at all. Relationships should be built on support and communication. And if you’ve tried to have a serious talk about your aspirations and are shot down time and time again, then you should know that it’s time for you to go.

6. Incessant Fighting

If you find yourself constantly at each other’s throat, muttering snide comments under your breath or screaming profanities, your relationship is seriously lacking in compatibility. Sure, you can hit a rough patch in any relationship, but if everything from the laundry to where to get lunch provokes an argument, it’s a surefire sign that things just aren’t working out.

7. You’re Just Not Happy

Relationships are not always simple or easily explained in terms of good or bad. But sometimes the thought of potentially ending a relationship can be determined by just one very basic question: Are you happy? Not every date night will be magical, not every encounter breathtakingly romantic. Two people can disagree. Two people can say things they don’t mean, fight and forgive each other. But when considering the long term outlook of your relationship, you should be happy. If you find that you’re unhappy and have felt that way for some time, you might consider ending your relationship and focusing on yourself for a while.

Despite what Danielle Steel paperbacks or cliche romantic comedies might have you believe, relationships are not always easy. And breaking up can be harder still. But with regards to your own happiness, hopes and dreams, personal safety and mental well being, a relationship should always be secondary. If your partner conflicts, negates, sabotages or threatens any of these factors, ending the relationship is the best thing you can do for yourself. What other deciding factors have you encountered that had you ending a relationship?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This is my relationship

Hayley. There should be no doubts when getting married. You just KNOW. The thought of being with someone else should make you ill. Carry on as you are and enjoy your life. When the time is right you'll know. P.s. Married twenty years. Not perfect but I wouldn't change it for the world.

It's sad sum women know their husbands or bfs cheat & they still stay in the relationship smh . I guess they don't know the meaning of self love ..& no not just for the kids they stay to maintain a certain lifestyle smh.. All I know is if I ever got cheated on I'm done its a wrap !!

Tonya serial cheaters will always be just that. It\'s unfortunate that there are children involved but you have to do what\'s right for you and their happiness will fall into place . My husband cheated in me once but we worked it out. He was truly sorry for what he had done. I don\'t know the circumstances of your situation but obviously he isn\'t sorry which shows a tremendous lack of respect for you and your marriage. You need to picture your future. Do you want to be having the same problems 20 years from now? Probably not.

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 4 years now, neither of us have had a serious relationship before. We could move in together tomorrow and get married the next day and he would be totally fine with it. I, on the other hand, don't know what my problem is. I can't help but question that there might be someone else out there for me? I don't want to get married and then regret it years to come. Some one please give me some advice, I'm only 21 and I really have no clue what to do.

Not the physical abuse or cheating

I\'ve been married for 12 years and most times it works except when one of us gets annoyed. Then the silence treatment starts and can go for days. I like my space I don\'t crowd or bother him much.. actually it\'s been like this from the beginning. I feel sometimes that I\'m alone but married ..

Thank you Jackie & Sara...I\'m seriously confused and don\'t want to deal with this,so I\'m going to try my best to find the answers to all these questions I have and hope I make the best decision. I wish I cld explain the situation but it\'s really long and deep. Thank you both :)

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