7 Lies You Should Stop Telling Yourself when You Are the Other Woman ...


7 Lies You Should Stop Telling Yourself when You Are the Other Woman ...
7 Lies You Should Stop Telling Yourself when You Are the Other Woman ...

Sometimes love is blind, and you don’t always choose the person you’ll fall in love with, but if that person happens to be a married man, I believe you should know what are the things you shouldn’t do or what are the lies you should stop telling yourself when you are the other woman. I know this is a very sensitive issue that may cause a lot of stir among you ladies, and you should know that in fact nobody wants to be the other woman in any relationship, but sometimes, these things just happen and those women might think they just don’t have any control over it. Well, you couldn’t be more wrong! Here are a few lies you should stop telling yourself when you are the other woman.

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“I’m His True Love.”

Well, this is definitely one of the top lies you should stop telling yourself when you are the other woman. You might think you are his true love or you might even feel this way, but you should probably think again. Most affairs are amazing at the beginning because you don’t have all those responsibilities a normal couple has like bills, kids, mortgages. But, just like every beginning, this will come to an end too and even if now you do believe you are his true love, think about the fact that at a certain point in his life, his wife was his true love and that didn’t stop him from cheating on her.


“He Will Leave His Family for Me.”

This is another common lie women tell themselves when they are involved in an affair with a married man. Even if he does tell you that you are the most important person in his life and that he will leave his wife and kids so he will be with you, there are so many chances this isn’t true, thus never going to happen. In most cases, especially if there are kids involved, the husband will never leave his family. He will just tell you that so he will convince you to continue that affair.


“He Wants Us to Stay in Because He Cherishes the Time He Spends with Me.”

Most women who are involved in a relationship with a married man are often blinded by the feelings they have for that man and they just refuse to see the truth. I know you might think that the reason you don’t go out that much is the fact that he cherishes the time he spends with you and that’s why he wants you to stay in, when in fact, the truth is that he doesn’t want to risk getting seen with you in public, because his wife might find out about his affair.


“His Wife Doesn’t Know How to Make Him Happy.”

Even if you believe that he is with you because he wasn’t satisfied in his marriage or that his wife is frigid, too demanding or even cold, you should know that these things are probably not true and it tells you that, he’s probably lying. Most of the time, the women who are being cheated on are wonderful, loving wives who are taking care of their families. You should start thinking that maybe the one with the problem is the guy you’re having that affair with and not his wife.


“Once He Will Leave His Wife, It Will Be Just Us.”

Most of the times, the men who are leaving their family so that they could be with the other woman are quite guilt-ridden about losing their family soon after they did it. They often realize that it wasn’t a smart decision and that they’ve caused a lot of pain to their loved ones. Also, if he has kids from his former marriage, he will regret the fact that he won’t get to see them as much as he used to and in time, he might even blame you for that. Either way, if he has children, you will never be just the two of you, because you will have to share him with his former family and with his kids.

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“No One Will Love Me More than He Does.”

If you think that no one will love you more than this man you’re having an affair with, then you should wonder if you have any problems with your self-esteem. Everyone deserves to be loved and even if he might tell you that you will never find somebody better, don’t believe him! There are a lot of great guys who will love for the wonderful person that you are, so stop hurting yourself and his family by being involved in such a thing.


“He Must Really Love Me Because He is so Passionate.”

Even though you might really think that he loves you because he’s always so passionate and that he shows his love by always doing all kinds of small affectionate gestures, be careful because you might get hurt. The thing with the affairs is that they are passionate; in fact this is the way they should be, so that’s why most people are tempted to cheat on their significant other: for the thrills. So, stop lying to yourself, because this isn’t love.It's more like an adrenaline rush or pure physical attraction.

Affairs can always cause a lot of pain to all the people involved: to his family, to him and especially to you. If you’re tempted to take this step, think again and try to be rational. Find someone who really deserves you and who can really make you happy. Have you ever been the other woman? If so, what are the lies you often told yourself? Please share your opinion or your advice in the comments section so we can all learn from your experience. Thanks so much!

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*** relationships with married men

there is no pain like being in a situation like this, my life is grey and i cannot think about anything other. The amount of times ive wanted to end it but decide to give him a little bit longer because i am in love with him is numerous. I feel comforted that I am not the only one but also pained because I know how awful your lives become.

Every situation is different bt we all make choices nobody forces us ..

you all adulteress of all going to hell read your Bible adulteries will burn in the pics so hands you can count on it

Girls need to respect each other so that guys will respect girls more. Girls are their own worst enemies.... Respect yourself ladies and know your boundaries!!!!!

The fact that you get involved with a another woman's man, just says that there are underlying issues within yourself as well. That man will never leave his wife or kids. He just wants to be doted on and have as much fun & sex as he wants. Been there done that! I feel ashamed I was involved, and I knew u had to figure out my issues. Don't make the same mistake. It is hard to get out when ur in!! I'm over him now, and I just see what a big child he was.

I was the other man. She was my emotional confidant and I never saw her as anything more. One hormonally charged conversation led to a night of passion. I was so dumb, you can go to the gym baby she said, just make some time for me. Yea time for the physical but she knew I love kids and even named our son and daughter. Told me I deserved the world and she'd give it to me. I was just a piece of meat, but she found out I had a brain anf heart so she wanted me more. Bought me gifts, expensive ones and even said ill get us an apt. How stupid I was, I fell completely and unapolegetically. Then I was just a sex toy, 4 hour visits turned to 1 hour sex charged wham bam gotta go types. I confronted her about it and gave her an ultimatum, leave him and be with/love me. I coached her on how to breakup with her husband, I played his role anf it hurt. She didn't contact me after 3pm until the next morning. I told her I felt like a puppy that had just been abandoned somewhere unknown, waiting for the familiar car, voice, anything hopeful, but nothing came- nobody came. I convinced myself that love is blind and we can't choose who we fall in love with but ladies, IT is a choice. I'm still battling myself, she communicates with me, tells me s he loves me, acts jealous but supposedly we are just friends. Thank you for writing this article, it does help but like I've found out, you must help yourself first before other's words can reach your thoughts and heart. By the way I'm not fat or unattractive, I'm actually muscular, workout 3 hours a day, degree in anthropology and physics, well read, and a hopeless sleepless in seattle, an affair to remrmber, when harry met sally romantic. So it can happen to anyone, judge not lest ye be judged

My husband cheated with a woman from work. She even tried to make it my fault saying *I* was insecure. I was pregnant at the time!! She said she was just being his friend (yet she was also married and sleeping with my husband of 10 years)

Wow so true :-) Feel blind all the whole time with a married man And finally get over it makes me feel release and happier

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