Even though this may seem pretty obvious to a lot of people, here are a few signs you’re in a highly cherished relationship, so you will realize how lucky you really are. These next little pointers will indicate that your relationship is on the right track, but if you don’t recognize any of them, then maybe there are a few things you should change in order to repair it. Just think of your relationship like a plant that needs water, sun and care to blossom. Since one of the best definitions of the word “cherished” is actually “nurtured,” do everything you can to make your relationship flourish. Here are a few signs you’re in a highly cherished relationship that will make you appreciate your significant other even more:
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1. You Trust Each Other
I think this is one of the most obvious signs you’re in a highly cherished relationship. If you trust your partner and they do feel the same about you, then you’re in a very healthy relationship, since trust is vital. It doesn’t happen overnight, but the fact that you’re working on this aspect of your relationship shows that you cherish the special bond you two share and that you’re not willing to let anything interfere with it.
2. You Give Each Other Personal Space
In every healthy relationship, it’s extremely important to give your better half enough space to grow as an individual. Of course, you should spend a lot of time together, but sometimes too much is just too much. Try not to suffocate your partner and allow them to spend some “alone time” every now and then.
3. You Know Your Partner’s Schedule
If you’re in a highly cherished relationship, then you should be up-to-date with your partner’s schedule. You should know what is happening in their life, what difficulties they have to face at work, if they have any worries or insecurities or what their biggest achievements are. When you come home from work, talk about all these details, so you’ll be more present in your partner’s life.
4. Your Partner Doesn’t Feel Threatened by Your Success
In a healthy and cherished relationship, the two partners should not feel threatened by each other’s successes. After all, it’s not a competition. Be there for your significant other and be happy for them every time they manage to fulfill one of their dreams! Encourage them to go further and reach all their goals, and tell them how proud you are of them.
5. You Can Always Be Yourself
If you never feel inadequate, criticized or insulted and if you can always be yourself (just as you are with all your imperfections) when you’re around your partner, then I can say your relationship is on the right track. It’s extremely important to feel accepted and loved just as you are. If you always feel the need to wear a mask every time you spend time with your loved one, then maybe your relationship requires some work.
6. You Spend Enough Time Together
No matter how busy you are, you always seem to find a way to spend enough time with each other. A lot of couples grow apart because they let all kinds of things come between them and they forget to nourish their relationship. Don’t be one of them! Make time for your partner and don’t let anything interfere with your happiness!
7. Your Relationship Has Gotten Stronger over Time
Every healthy and cherished relationship should get stronger over time. Always say “I love you,” “thank you” and “sorry.” Don’t let your pride cloud you judgment and try to make your partner happy every day, since this way, you’ll be happy too. Offer them your support and appreciate those small moments of happiness you two share.
A healthy, happy and cherished relationship does require some work from both partners, but I’m sure that the special bond you two share definitely is worth it. Are you in a highly cherished relationship? How do you do it? Do you know any other signs that could suggest to someone that they are in a healthy relationship? Do tell!
Sources: lifehack.org, lifehack.org
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