The Harsh Realities of Moving in Together You Must Consider ...


The Harsh Realities of Moving in Together You Must Consider  ...
The Harsh Realities of Moving in Together You Must Consider  ...

Moving in with your boyfriend is a big step in your relationship and you've got to know the realities of moving in together. It’s like you’re moving forward into a new phase together. Obviously, it’s easy to get swept up in the romance of it all, but there are some important realities of moving in together that you need to be aware of.

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There’s a Lot to Organize

You’ll both have to move out of your current home, you’ll have to organise bills with energy companies, sort your contents insurance, buy furniture…the list goes on. Don’t underestimate the amount of tasks you need to undertake when moving in because there’s a lot of important things to remember. This is just one of the realities of moving in together that you're going to have to deal with.


Your Relationship May Change

I don’t mean in a huge, drastic way (and not even in a bad way), but when you move in, you may find things do change a little because your situation has changed. You’ll go from seeing each other maybe a couple of times a week to being in each other’s company almost 24/7. It’s just something to bear in mind.


It’s Another Level of Commitment

This is why you need to be sure before you decide to move in together because you’re entering into a much bigger commitment – emotionally as well as logistically. If things did go wrong, it wouldn’t just be a case of blocking him on social media and moving on, there’d be a lot to organise. Don’t enter into it unless you’re 100% sure!


You’re Going to Learn a Lot More about Each Other

You may think you know your boyfriend inside and out, and that may be the case, but there’s always more to learn. You may discover habits you didn’t know he had, how much time he likes to spend doing certain things and generally just more about him as a person. It’s a fun learning curve.


You Will Argue

You can’t expect things to be perfect all the time when you live with someone. You love him, and living with him is what you both want, but there will be times you have arguments and fall out. The key to this is how you deal with them. You can’t retreat to your room and have a few days sulking when you live in the same house, so the best thing to do is openly communicate and sort it out asap.

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It’s Exciting

You don’t always realise how exciting it is until you’ve signed on the dotted line because up until then you’ve just been looking and talking hypothetically about your own place. When the reality hits that you’ve signed for a place and you’re moving in, it’s crazy exciting. And it means you can go crazy in IKEA!!


It’s a Gamble

Nothing is a guarantee and ultimately, moving in with your boyfriend is a gamble. Neither of you has a crystal ball to see how it will work out; all you can do is do what you feel is right. If it works out and you live happily ever after, then that’s amazing, but even if it doesn’t, at least you tried and took the chance – it’ll be a valuable life experience, regardless.

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