Reasons Why He Probably Didn't Text You Back ...


Reasons Why He Probably Didn't Text You Back ...
Reasons Why He Probably Didn't Text You Back ...

There are few things as frustrating as waiting to hear back from a guy, especially when you thought things were going great. Don't lose heart though and don't overthink it. Guest contributor Ashley Kaylor shares a few reasons why he probably didn't text you back.

How many times have you sat by the phone waiting for a guy to call? Maybe you’re dating him? Maybe you’ve just hooked up? Nonetheless, you’re invested and you can’t do anything else except dwell on the fact that he hasn't written you back in 2 hours 32 minutes and 17 seconds. AHHH! Naturally, you will make excuses for him; because we always try to make ourselves feel better in the end, right? Stop torturing yourself, and check out these 7 reasons why he probably didn't text you back. And if they sound remotely familiar, forget that chump and move on…

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You Get What You Give

This timeless phrase applies to everything, especially when it comes to relationships! Whether it’s engaging in a new relationship and/or maintaining an old one, you must ask yourself, «Does this guy know that I’m really interested or am I sending the wrong signals?". Listen, guys are kind of dumb, so it’s it's entirely possible that he may have the impression that you're not into him, so he's trying to back off so he doesn't bug you. Be honest, upfront and confident. You will be surprised how far you get.


Bad Timing

The timing isn't right. Typically, if he falls off the face of the earth after the two of you had an amazing time on the first three dates, it's safe to assume that this has NOTHING to do with you and EVERYTHING to do with bad timing. It’s a hard excuse to hear, but it very well can be true. Try your best to see the signs before investing your time.


Bringing Sexy Back?

«So you’re saying he didn’t think I was interesting or sexy? I don’t get it…» You thought you had an intellectual conversation and a steamy nightcap…. Guess not? The truth is some guys just get bored and lose interest. Again, there's nothing you can do except accept that some men just have a short attention span.


You’re Not Official Yet

Word to the wise: If you don’t want to make a fool of yourself, you better slow down. First off, just because you two had an amazing first date at Central Park and your second date was dinner for two in the West Village doesn’t mean you’re destined for the altar. Remember to have fun in the beginning, go with the flow and not stress too much about why he's not in touch with you constantly.


Hit It & Quit It

This is the worst and most common phrase that singles come in contact with. If you find yourself sexually involved with someone one night and then the following night they mysteriously vanish, then you could be a victim of «Hit & Quit It.» This type of guy is not interested in the monotonous «had such a great time» or «let’s meet up» texts. If you would like to save yourself heartache and embarrassment, read between the lines and don’t text him.

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Three’s Company

If you have to question whether or not you are the only person in his life, then your suspicious assumptions are more than likely on the right track. Maybe he just doesn't believe in exclusive relationships. Over time, if he hasn’t expressed that you may be «the one,» then don’t bother putting all of your cards on the table, because you might lose a pretty valuable hand in the end.


Growing Pains…

Everyone has experienced the …… Yes, that’s the symbol for silence. If you’re dating someone and they leave you with silence, naturally, one would think, «He doesn’t like me,» «He’s dating someone else», or «I was awful in bed.» Guess what?! You’re probably right! Probably not what you want to hear…BUT on the bright side this type of silence makes you look better! Why? Well, because silence is a sign of immaturity. His silence becomes your answer. He’s not for you. It’s not your fault he’s still growing up. Keep it moving girlfriend!

How often do you find yourself staring at the phone wondering where his text is and why he hasn't answered?Don't do it! Understand why and,move on! Agreed?

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