Small Things to do Together to Strengthen Your Relationship ...

Suzy Dec 16, 2017

Small Things to do Together to Strengthen Your Relationship ...
Small Things to do Together to Strengthen Your Relationship ...

There are so many small things to do together to bring you closer as a couple. As a twosome, life can sometimes get in the way, and if you don’t make the effort, it can be easy to drift apart. In order to stay close as a couple, there are a few small things to do together to bring you closer as a couple.

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1. Shower/Bathe Together

Obviously, not every single time as this just isn’t possible, but having a shower or bath together is a really nice thing to do. Light some candles and wash each other and you will feel closer to each other. This is one of my favorite small things to do together to bring you closer as a couple.

2. Go for a Walk

Winter walks are the best, so wrap up warm and go out for a lovely scenic walk. Holding hands and snuggling together as you walk feels great and brings you together.

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3. Have Sex

There are different types of sex – quick, kinky, romantic…it doesn’t really matter though because it’s such an intimate activity that it brings you physically and emotionally closer as a couple.

4. Talk without Distractions

You can talk to your partner all the time, but you may be doing the washing or watching TV – cut out the distractions and just talk. My boyfriend and I can lie in bed for hours and just talk about all sorts of things – not just day-to-day things but experiences we’re had and how we’ve felt about things. It’s an amazing thing to do to get closer.

5. Cuddle

Cuddling gives you feelings you can’t explain, a sort of warm glow. It’s an emotional thing that is so basic but it really does make you feel closer to your partner and when you hold each other, it just feels right.

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