Love Language 7 Ways to Love Someone with Quality Time ...


Love Language  7 Ways to Love Someone with Quality Time ...
Love Language  7 Ways to Love Someone with Quality Time ...

I'm going to give you some great ways to love those with a Quality Time Love Language. Love is a fickle thing, and people speak love differently. Dr. Gary Chapman has identified 5 different love languages: Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. These are 5 different ways in which all people express love and receive love. Just like translating a foreign language, it is clear that one must be able to identify and communicate about one’s own love language. Communicating about your love language will improve all of your relationships and when you have a partner it is necessary to be open about your language so that you can understand your partner's desires better. Here are 7 ways to love those with a Quality Time Love Language.

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1. Put Away Your Phone

Putting away your phone is one of the best ways to love those with a Quality Time Love Language. Technology can draw attention away from your partner when you are hanging out. So spend time away from the technology when your focus is solely on your partner. This allows your partner to feel special and in love.

2. Go for a Hike

Explore nature with your partner by taking a hike. This time will get you away from technology and will be quality time in which you and your partner will exercise and cement your love in a fun way.

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3. Go on a Road Trip

No matter how far you want to travel or can travel, road trips can be a short excursion that formulate a bond. There’s no time like car time for bonding.

4. Take a Vacation

Try to make it a habit to embrace vacations with your partner. Vacations create a bond like no other and will create a lifetime of quality and exploration with your significant other. Dedicating this time to your partner will make your partner feel loved.

5. Try a New Hobby

Yoga, cooking, painting, etc. Try something new with your partner that may make you feel awkward, but will provide a memory and a growing bond between you.

6. New Experience

New concert, comedy show, or sporting event? Participate in one of your partner’s favorite activities or an activity that you share an interest in and create a lasting memory that is integral to quality time.

7. Eye Contact

Whatever you are able to do with your partner, and whatever your budget means nothing unless it is meaningful quality time. So make it count with eye contact and engage in whatever activity and time you spend with your partner.

As mentioned in the introduction, there are 5 love languages. If you have identified your partner's love language type and want to learn how to make your relationship even more special please read the other articles:

Love Language 💬: 7 Ways to Love ❤️ Someone 💏 with Physical Touch 👫 ... @Marie
Love Language 💬: 8 Ways to Love ❤️ Someone 💏 with Acts of Service 🙏 ... @Marie
Love Language 💬: 7 Ways to Love ❤️ Someone 💏 by Receiving Gifts 🎁 ... @Marie
Love Language 💬: 7 Ways to Love ❤️ Someone 💏 with Words 🔠 of Affirmation 🙌 ... @Marie