7 Things You Shouldn't Worry about in a Strong Relationship ...

Holly Oct 9, 2014

If you and your partner love each other, and are serious about being together for the long haul, then there are things you shouldn't worry about. It's natural to fret about certain situations, and get jealous in sticky circumstances, but overall, you should trust him completely. Here are a few things you shouldn't worry about in a healthy relationship:

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1. Morning Messiness

Waking up next to your partner should be a sweet experience. Don't worry about how messy your hair looks, or whether the make-up you forgot to remove smudged overnight. No matter how disheveled you look, he'll still consider you beautiful. One of the things you shouldn't worry about is if your partner finds you attractive, because it's clear that he does.

2. Fabulous Friends

If your partner has hot friends that just so happen to be the gender that they're attracted to, don't be nervous. It's okay to be uncomfortable with them hanging out one on one, but if they're in a large group, or work together, then you have to trust them. If your partner is really the one, they'll never cheat.

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3. Gift Giving

If you don't have enough money to buy your partner the present of their dreams, they won't mind. They'll appreciate whatever you choose to get or make them. It's the thought that counts, after all. They'll know that you care about them, either way.

4. What They Think

You want his family members and friends to like you, but it's not the end of the world if they don't. If you're in a relationship for long enough, then the people that love him will be able to see how much you care for each other.

5. What You Wear

It's fine to worry about what outfit you should wear to a party, or how much you weigh, but only if you're worried for your own sake. You shouldn't be focusing on whether your partner would like what you look like in a certain dress. It would be nice to impress him, but you should be wearing what you like, not what you think he would like.

6. Lame, Little Fights

You're going to fight. You're going to say things that you don't mean, and you're going to spend nights furious with each other. It doesn't mean that you love each other any less. It just means that you have to figure out a way to work out your issues, so that your relationship can continue. It's impossible to spend the rest of your life with someone without arguing every once in a while.

7. Your Perfect Personality

Don't freak out when he laughs at another girl's jokes more than yours. Don't be upset if he seems to like girls that are outgoing when you're shy. He's with you, because he wants to be with you. Don't change your personality to try to please him, because he already loves you the way you are.

If you're part of a strong relationship, you shouldn't be stressing out over every little thing that your partner does. If you trust him, and you love him, then everything will turn out okay by the end of the day. Do you think that your relationship is as strong as it can be, or are you insecure about certain aspects of it?

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Good tips but it's easier to write than actually do!

I know I have trust issues and its because every man I've been with has cheated on me so to trust can be hard. I need to learn that he's not going to always agree with me even on some large issues in the world but it can be so hard....

Lol as i guy i can say we dont always agree with women on somethings but we are like you in someways if we are happy then we wont stray. i have been close with my special person hannah for 2+ years i dont care how she looks in the morning and when she wakes i cuddle her and gently stroke her hair and let her get up in her own time it has made us stronger and i know she worries a little when i laugh with her half sis but i never stray

Hmm interesting

True... Though you should always keep a check on him though

I don't get into fights with my man, but every now and then he disappoints me when his opinion isn't what i expect on some things.. But that's okay, we all see things differently 😉 I have a really strong relationship, and I know it's going to last for my lifetime 😊

I always think of cheating this way. If you have no reason to think he is cheating don't mess up your mind with potentialities of him cheating. It will let you keep your peace of mind.

Nice tips

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