How to Make Your LDR Work According to Your Zodiac Sign ...

Melly Jun 2, 2018

How to Make Your LDR Work According to Your Zodiac Sign ...
How to Make Your LDR Work According to Your Zodiac Sign ...

Wondering how to make your LDR work according to your zodiac sign? Sometimes, we aren’t all lucky enough to be able to spend every day, week or even month with our partners. Being in a long distance relationship is one of the biggest tests you will ever have to face in your life because the one thing that you want from that person that you love - closeness and intimacy - is the one thing that you currently can’t have. Some people say that LDRs aren’t a sustainable way to keep hold of a partner, or that you can’t love them as much as you say you do if you are willing to spend so much time apart, but in truth it is all about finding the right way to work it out for you personally. Here is how to make your long distance relationship work according to your zodiac sign!

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1. Gemini

You hate being alone at night, so your partner needs to be prepared for a lot of Face Timing because it is the closest thing that you will get to being able to be with them.

2. Cancer

Constant communication, even through a quick text message, is definitely the way to go in your LDR because it will help to ease all of that natural worry and anxiety that you carry with you.

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3. Leo

You need to make sure that you include your long distance partner in your daily adventures because you are the life of the party and you don’t want them to feel more left out than they already do.

4. Virgo

You are incredibly loyal, so to make your LDR work you just need to have complete trust in the other person and trust that just because they aren't there with you, that they aren’t going after someone else.

5. Libra

You hate any kind of confrontation, so in order to save your relationship when it is long distance, you will probably have to do a lot of biting your own tongue to avoid unnecessary blow ups!

6. Scorpio

The only way an LDR can work for you is if your partner is willing to divulge every single little detail about their day and life to you on a regular basis. You are a total control freak, someone that needs to have all the information in the palm of your hand.

7. Sagittarius

You are a natural lover of travel, so LDRs aren’t that big of a deal to you because you end up making the effort to go and see them more often than any other sign in the same situation!

8. Capricorn

I hate to break it to you, but you are far too traditional to have an LDR work out long term. The best way for you to save the relationship is to turn it from long distance to short distance as soon as possible.

9. Aquarius

You have a tendency to keep things as light-hearted as possible, but that can be frustrating for a partner on the other side of the world! Make the effort to be more sincere and intimate when communicating.

10. Pisces

You will cope best with an LDR when you accept the limitations and maintain perspective on the situation. He’s probably not going to ask you to marry him when you haven’t really spent that much time together face to face! Give it time to develop!

11. Aries

You have a high sex drive, so the most important thing you need to get established is a nice, regular phone sex schedule!

12. Taurus

You crave stability, so it is important that you and your long-distance boo set up a good schedule for checking in and talking with each other. If not, you will go a little crazy.

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