The Personality of Your Perfect Partner According to Your Zodiac Sign ...


The Personality of Your Perfect Partner According to Your Zodiac Sign ...
The Personality of Your Perfect Partner According to Your Zodiac Sign ...

When you were a little girl, you probably planned out and imagined your dream wedding a thousand different times in a thousand different themes and designs, but did you ever do the same kind of extensive visualization of the person that you were actually going to marry? It’s a really weird thing, but a lot of women reach adulthood without really understanding what they are looking for in a partner, and it can be different for everybody. Let’s let astrology do the hard work! Here is the personality of your perfect partner according to your zodiac sign!

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You are best suited to a fellow thrill seeker, someone who isn’t afraid to follow you into the crazy adventures that you can’t resist!



You are very picky about your partners, with the chief deal breaker being someone who isn’t respectful. If they show lots of respect, you will fall for them really hard.



You are all about duality and would enjoy being with someone who has completely different passions to you, someone who can balance you out.



You aren’t known for your sense of humour, so more than anything you need a funny guy who can bring out the lighter, more fun side of you.



You can’t be with someone unless they have an incredible drive and determination in everything that they do. You need a partner who is constantly working to achieve their dreams.

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Basically, you can’t keep your mouth shut, so you need somebody who doesn’t mind you talking all the time, but who is also a great listener and doesn’t just learn to turn you out!



You can sometimes be a bit of a brat, so you might not realise that your perfect partner is someone who isn’t afraid to show you a bit of tough love for the greater good!



You need a traditional, old-fashioned romantic. You want to be wooed, wined and dined and treated like the princess that you have known you are since you were five years old!



You need somebody who is going to love for you who you are, but who also won’t try to smother you or stifle your adventurous, travelling spirit.



You aren’t the most expressive person in the world, so you need a partner who is going to be able to pick up on all of the non-verbal cues that you give to express yourself a lot of the time.



You are loved by pretty much everyone you come in to contact with, so your ideal partner needs to be someone who doesn’t have a jealous bone in their body.



You are an unpredictable soul who hates routine, so your ideal partner needs to be able to roll with the punches and take each frequent change as it comes!

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