Modern Day Romance the Hook-up Culture ...


Romantic comedies like "No Strings Attached" and "Friends with Benefits" have convinced many that booty-calls can one day turn into a fairy-tale romance. Unfortunately, we don't live in a world like that. Nowadays, 'not caring' is the modern day romance. Participating in the hook-up culture can be fun and easy, but did you ever stop to think about what you're missing out on?

Traditional dating is dying out because no one wants to make solid plans. Delete your Tinder account and let your crush know that you do indeed like him. Playing hard to get isn't always attractive - what if he sees it as discouraging? What if you're both into each other and could be one of the greatest love stories ever told, but you refuse to try because of your fear of rejection? People would rather find FWB (friends with benefits) because there's no commitment, which means there's no heartache.

I recently came across an article on the NY Times about dating/hook-ups and I thought it was really interesting. The author talks about how, "for my generation, friendship often morphs into a sexual encounter and then reverts to friendship the next day. And it’s easy as long as you don’t put yourself on the line or try too hard."

Of course, if you're single and love everything about the single life, more power to you! If you're someone who's participating in the hook-up culture and hoping to find your Prince Charming amongst it, try something else because hook-ups and booty-calls rarely lead to your ideal relationship!

What do you think of the hook-up culture?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I think hookups have their place...unfortunately for me I want a relationship, but have yet to find a man who doesn't see me as just another conquest.

Hook ups do have their space for sure. The sad part is, more and more people (not even just men), want this easy no strings attached thing. I personally can't do it! If I'm with you I'm really with you, not just for the sex. I want something to actually come out of it. I still do have hope that someone out there wants more than just a hook up.

When I was at high school I never dated or hooked up with anyone. When I was 18 I signed up to a dating site, but at the time I was really strict on all the guys that talked to me. I met a couple of guys but after a year I got rid of the account. I started talking to one of the guys more in the next year, and we had a really nice friendship so I thought I'd ask him out. Sooo glad I did, he's loved me since the very start but was a bit shy! I always thought I'd never be ready to be intimate, but 3 and a half years later I'm in a really happy and healthy relationship and it's going to stay that way :)

It honestly hadls everything to do with today's music. It's all abt sex. And cheating and violence πŸ™‰

I don't think anyone expects to find Prince Charming from hooking up..that's the point isn't it

its seems to have turned into a game definately

Today love life sucks. When I look at my parents their first love really lasted but mine changed over 4. It's all about sex now

I've done the whole relationship thing, marriage, kids, divorce. I enjoy being single without having to answer to and clean up after and cook for a man. Do at this point in my life, a hookup with one friend every once in awhile is all I'm looking for at this point in my life. I don't judge an I expect not to be judged!

I think whether it's the 1920's 50's 80's or now 2014. People treat you the way you allow it. Dating now is different bcz this generation is all about instant gratification and no strings. But even with all that if what you want is a 1 to 1 relationship. Then don't just hook up. If you just want companionship etc no strings then hook up. The power is in your hands

So true

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