7 Reasons Why It's Okay to Not Want to Get Married ...


No matter what your grandmother says, there are plenty of reasons why it's okay to not want to get married. Let's face it: over 40% of first marriages fail. This statistic leaves many women feeling like marriage is more trouble than it's worth. If you don't plan to settle down anytime soon, the following list may help you explain to naysayers why it's okay to not want to get married.

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My Career Goals

I don't have time for all that marriage stuff. There are too many things I want to accomplish in my life first. Maybe after I've reached my career goals, I'll have time to consider the idea of becoming a wife. I can still live a very fulfilling, successful life, without sacrificing my career in order to marry and raise a family. This is a perfectly plausible reason why it's okay to not want to get married.



I simply cannot imagine the thought of spending the rest of my life with only one lover. This does not mean I intend to be promiscuous, but a lifetime of forced monogamy sounds oppressive. What happens if my husband stops satisfying me? The thought of having that "ball and chain" wrapped around my ankle just doesn't sound appealing. Rather than suffer in silence or cheat, I prefer to avoid marriage, altogether.


Equal Rights

Although I am a heterosexual woman, I refuse to legally wed until everyone has the right to get married. Unless marriage equality becomes legal in all 50 states, I do not feel good about doing it, myself. Why should I have the right to marry, while others do not? This stance may even mean that I never have the chance to get married. However, it's worth it to support the cause.


Messy Divorce

If I decide to part ways with my boyfriend, breaking up is much easier than dealing with a messy divorce. Without all those legal hoops to jump through, I can just make a clean break. Why enter into a legal contract with someone if I don't have to? It makes more sense to just live with my boyfriend, experiencing life like any other couple. This way, I won't need to sign my life away.


Too Much Baggage

I have issues and I know it. Why should I drag all of my mental and emotional baggage into a marriage? Since my past relationships didn't work out, who's to say it will be any different this time? Although I might be madly in love with someone right now, in the back of my mind, I know the honeymoon has to end sometime. Getting married makes it much more complicated.

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I Admit I'm Selfish

As a little girl, I didn't always want to share my toys with the other kids. Yes, I'm selfish and I admit it. I just don't get excited at the idea of sharing my living space with a messy husband. I've worked hard to create a comfortable home for myself, and I would like to keep it that way. Some may call this a character flaw, but at least I know this about myself before I make the mistake of getting married.



When I was a teenager, naturally, my parents wanted to know my whereabouts at all times. Since then, I have lived on my own for a long time. I cannot fathom the thought of constantly checking in with a spouse. I have been a free woman for too long to revert back to my adolescent years. Getting married would interfere with my independence.

Although marriage works out fine for some women, others want to travel down a different path in life. There is no reason to feel abnormal about forgoing marriage. What is your main reason for not getting married?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This is exactly how I feel!!! I love all of the points..I can totally relate

Just to add not for or against but just remember when you marry someone it is who you want to be with that person for the rest of your life not everyone wants the same things

too much pessimism...and self centerdness it seems..but you are entitled to your own opinions..

This is completely how I think! My friends often think I'm absolutely crazy when I tell them that I have too many things I want to do before I marry and become tied down to one person. This article is absolutely brilliant. Fabulous job!

this is one of the dumbest articles I've ever read!

Those are good excuses. I think the best one however is that there is no reason you need to get married to be in a loving relationship in the first place.

I've been proposed to but said no, twice!! I was in my twenties and just could not imagine "forever"...it's a huge commitment with too much focus on getting married and the wedding rather than marriage and a lifetime. I look back and know absolutely that I made the right decision on both occasions. No regrets :-)

A generally good OVeR All articlE

I used to think this way until I met someone I truly loved...

I do agree with the idea that no woman should get married because society says they should. Marriage is an institution; something ordained by God. When ppl get married they should be sure of what they are getting themselves into. Marriage is a special unit. It takes three ppl to make a marriage work: you, your partner and God. If done right though, marriage can be a beautiful thing.

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