17 Secrets You Should Never Keep from Your Boyfriend ...

Holly Mar 17, 2021

17 Secrets You Should Never Keep from Your Boyfriend ...
17 Secrets You Should Never Keep from Your Boyfriend ...

Unless you're hiding the fact that you're going to buy him a puppy for his birthday, there shouldn't be any secrets between the two of you. If there are, problems are going to arise. You need to trust each other entirely, and if you're withholding information from him, that's never going to happen. If you want a long-lasting, healthy relationship, here are a few secrets you should never keep from your boyfriend:

Snapshot Survey

What's your idea of the perfect date night?

1. How Much You’ve Been Spending

How Much You’ve Been Spending If you wasted a grand on a new pocketbook, he deserves to know. Even if you're not sharing your money now, you will eventually, so he should have an idea of your spending habits.

2. Who’s Been Hitting on You

Who’s Been Hitting on You If a guy at work asks you on a date, your boyfriend deserves to know. You'd want to know about the women interested in him, wouldn't you?

3. That Your Ex Contacted You

That Your Ex Contacted You It doesn't matter if your boyfriend is comfortable with you talking to the opposite sex or not. Either way, you should let him know that your ex is trying to hang out with you.

4. Your Health Problems

Your Health Problems If you have a nut allergy, tell your man about it. Otherwise, he might whip up peanut butter cupcakes for you.

5. What He Does to Annoy You

What He Does to Annoy You You shouldn't criticize every move he makes. However, if you can't stand it when he calls you "honey bunny," let him know so that he stops doing it.

6. Your Family Problems

Your Family Problems If you two end up together, your family will become his family, too. That's why you shouldn't keep your family's secrets a secret from him.

7. What You Imagine Your Future to Be like

What You Imagine Your Future to Be like If he can't wait to have kids, but you don't want to be a mother, you need to tell him. He deserves to know your opinion on the matter.

8. Your Embarrassing Moments as a Kid

Your Embarrassing Moments as a Kid You shouldn't hold back from telling your man stories, even if those stories are incredibly embarrassing.

9. What Turns You on

What Turns You on Tell him what drives you crazy so that he'll do it. Don't be shy.

10. That You Have an STD

That You Have an STD If you're sleeping with him, you need to tell him about your STD. It's only fair.

11. That You’ve Been in Jail

That You’ve Been in Jail If you have a criminal record, it's better he knows it from the start. You don't want him finding out from someone else.

12. That You’re an Addict

That You’re an Addict If you're addicted to drugs, alcohol, or sex, he should know.

13. That You Have Male Friends

That You Have Male Friends You shouldn't hang out with other men behind his back. Tell him all about your male friends, so that he doesn't feel betrayed.

14. That You Have Bad Credit

That You Have Bad Credit If you end up buying a house together, he's going to find out about your bad credit. You might as well tell him before you start looking for places to live.

15. That You Had a Husband

That You Had a Husband If you were married before, or had a serious boyfriend, you should tell your current boyfriend about him. You don't have to go into detail. Just make sure you mention him.

16. How You Feel about His Family

How You Feel about His Family If you hate the way his mother talks to you, you don't have to pretend you love her. Gently tell him that you don't appreciate the way she treats you.

17. That You like Taylor Swift

That You like Taylor Swift Don't hide your guilty pleasures from your man. He won't judge you.

If you want your relationship to last, you need to be honest with your partner. Are you keeping any secrets from your boyfriend?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

The one about Taylor swift was kind of funny to me, maybe is because I don't like her at all!

Mmmm I can agree with many of these things, however, some others are none of his business, credit score? How much I spend? Family problems?? This are none of his concern, unless we are talking about people who live together then I can understand sharing this details

Love it

I like Tay ms holly riordan, and it's a helpful article :)

I agree: this is terrible advice. I am deleting this app. One more thing- thank God I don't have self-esteem issues, as the photos AWS uses are photoshopped, filtered, & airbrushed. Real women don't look like this. Goodbye! 👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻

Most of this is awful advice!

Cant handle taylor swift

What a load of shite. Seriously I do not know why I keep reading any of the AWS articles anymore. I keep coming back hoping there will be something at least half good, but no. 👎

@Cynthia Latif, Hey

Lots of what is listed here are frankly none of his business. And if you're not comfortable sharing some things with him, then you shouldn't feel pressured to share with him.

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