When we're in that first rush of love, sometimes we wonder how long it might last. What if it's forever? Does that even happen anymore? Yes, it does, and here's a few photos to show you that true love has no age limit. Faith in love and romance, restored!
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. A Proposition
He's proposing after they've already been married 60 years. How sweet is that?
2. Trying Something New
I love that he's helping her try something new! #RelationshipGoals
3. Dancing
This couple looks so happy to be dancing together, even after all these years.
4. Together
This couple's been together since 1960 -- doing the math -- that's more than 50 years... they don't look old enough!
5. At the Holidays
Can you imagine the memories you'd make, spending decades worth of Christmases together?
6. Netflix and Chill?
They could binge-watch OITNB for DAYS with that pizza.
7. Sharing a Ride
That's the sweetest thing... they're just sharing a little ride together!
8. Reaching Goals
She's wondering why he's always losing more weight when they diet together.
9. Cosplay
The couple that cosplays together (and eats spinach together), stays together.
10. Finally Getting Married
This couple was finally able to get married after 72 years together. Love!
11. Sunshine
Oh my gosh, this is so sweet, how they're in the sea together.
12. Stylist
She hurt her wrist, so he helps her style her hair. That's just the sweetest!
13. Smooch!
I hope I end up with a man who still wants to do smoochy selfies when we're 60.
14. Dip!
I don't know why this makes me so happy, but it does. I wonder how long they've been together?
15. Coloring
For their anniversary, we should all chip in and buy them one of those coloring books for grown-ups, and the Crayola 64-colors.
16. The Bootie-grab
I love that he's still being flirty and silly with his lady.
17. Smart!
I love their matching shirts! Ha ha! I wonder what happened that they thought this was necessary.
18. Sneaking a Hug
It's the small moments like this one that matter most, I think.
19. Just a Quiet Moment
You're never too old to share a quiet moment in nature with the one you love.
20. Pampering
Priorities, right? I wish my BF would go get a pedi with me, too.
21. More Matching
This is so, so adorable! I wonder what the front of these jerseys looks like.
22. Being Silly
I want to be this silly and goofy with my SigOth when we're waiting at a restaurant, too!
23. Swing Life Away
They're still having fun together, and why not?
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