14 Sex Facts You Won't Believe Are Actually True ...


14 Sex Facts You Won't Believe Are Actually True ...
14 Sex Facts You Won't Believe Are Actually True ...

Even if you're sexually active, you might not know all that much about sex. There's always more to learn, even if you consider yourself a professional. For instance, did you know that sex makes people as happy as earning 100,000? Or that strippers make more money while ovulating?

According to BuzzFeed, here are a few more facts about sex that are so crazy you won't even believe that they're true:

Now you know a little more about the way that your own body works, and the more you know, the healthier you'll be! What other sex facts do you have to share with us all?

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Umm, you can easily take yourself off of this subject. Cuz the whole base of this particular group.. 🐾🎢

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