Surefire Tips to Make Him Want You Sexually ...


Surefire Tips to Make Him Want You Sexually ...
Surefire Tips to Make Him Want You Sexually ...

We all need some guaranteed tips to become sexually irresistible in our back pocket. The stereotype says that it's easy to make a man 👨🏼👨🏾👨🏿 want you sexually, but that's not entirely true. You have to let him know you're interested, for starters, so you have to find ways to telegraph that interest. 💕 You may also need to set the mood a little. 🛌 You'll know when the moment's right, and because different vibes work for different couples, you'll also have to follow your instincts a little. Here are some guaranteed tips to become sexually irresistible. They will serve as an excellent guideline to make him want you like crazy. 😍

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Set the Mood with the Lighting

Set the Mood with the Lighting Low lights, candles, open curtains letting in the moonlight – pick your preference and set the perfect tone.


Imagine flickering candlelight casting a warm glow across the room, softening features and inviting closeness. Dimmers on overhead fixtures can help you adjust the brightness to just the right level, creating an enchanting environment that's hard to resist. Consider the hues as well – warm tones like reds and oranges can ignite passion, while cooler colors like blues and purples can create a more serene, but equally intimate setting. By controlling the ambience with your choice of lighting, you subtly signal a shift from the mundane to the sensuous, instantly signalling your intentions without saying a word.


Dress in Your Own Personal Brand of Sexy

person, human positions, sitting, writing, homework, You should wear whatever makes you look and feel like the sexy goddess you are, as opposed to wearing anything stereotypical or cliché – if you're not comfortable and confident, you won't feel sexy.


Music is Key

automobile, musician, musical instrument, piano, ESI, Whether you go with Al Green, soft jazz, or a thrumming hip hop beat, the music you choose can make him want you, too – especially if you move to it.


Use Innuendo when Talking to Him

facial expression, emotion, feels, really, good, Subtlety is sexy and wit is sexy, so innuendo has the potential to be very sexy indeed.


Sure, being direct has its moments, but nothing amps up the tension like a cleverly placed hint or two. It's the verbal equivalent of a lingering glance across the room — it leaves him wanting more. Let your choice of words tickle his imagination, dance on the edge of suggestion. You know that line between innocent and risqué? Tease it. Whether it's a playful double-entendre or an offhand comment that could be taken more than one way, you're inviting him to the subtle game of mental tug-of-war that's irresistibly intoxicating.


Use a Bit of Perfume to Entice Him

electronic component, finger, hand, toy, Wear a fragrance that flatters and spray it in all the right spots, especially over your pulse points.


The subtle scent of a captivating perfume can work wonders, awakening his senses and drawing him closer. Choose a fragrance that embodies your personality and leaves a mysterious allure. A well-placed perfume on the wrists, behind the ears, and on the décolletage, can act as a sensual invitation every time you move. Remember, the key is to entice, not overwhelm, so a light touch is all it takes to leave a lingering impression and spark his desire.

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Give Aphrodisiacs a Try

person, there's, food,, I'm, going, Even if they don't work at all, at least you'll get a delicious meal out of it.


Why not spice things up with foods that have a saucy reputation for lighting the flame of desire? From oysters, known for their high zinc content, to chocolate, brimming with bliss-inducing compounds, these sensual delights could make your taste buds dance and maybe more. While the science behind their aphrodisiac properties might be iffy, sharing a luscious strawberry dipped in dark chocolate or a spicy chili-laced dinner can be intensely suggestive and undeniably fun. It's all about creating that sultry ambiance and savoring every bite in the company of your beau, which in itself is undeniably romantic.


All the Little Touches

person, black and white, hand, A caress here, a brush of fingertips there – he'll definitely be enticed.


Engaging in subtle physical interactions can send strong signals of desire. Gently touching his arm during a conversation or letting your leg brush against his under the table are actions laden with intent. It’s these soft, unexpected contacts that can ignite a deeper yearning. Be playful and indulge in the occasional tickle or whisper seductively in his ear. The combination of these delicate gestures can heighten the anticipation and make his thoughts revolve around the prospect of greater intimacy with you.


Whisper in His Ear

Whisper in His Ear There's something so sexy about a breathy little whisper and the way it tickles the ear, don't you think?


Whispering suggestive words to your man with the softness of your breath can send shivers down his spine, igniting a fierce arousal. It's the intimacy of your lips grazing his ear and the excitement of your words that can turn the mundane into something electrifying. Choose your words with a mix of sweetness and spice, and watch as he becomes mesmerized by the tender yet tantalizing sound of your voice. It’s an effortless yet powerful way to draw him in closer, building the anticipation for what's to come.


Touch Yourself a Little Bit

person, photography, art, close up, hand, Touch yourself wherever you like, but it doesn't have to be between your legs – try your breasts, your neck, your face, your stomach, and your thighs, too.


Discovering the uniquely sensitive areas that ignite your pleasure can be a tantalizing experience. Gently caressing these zones not only heightens your own arousal but can also send a visual cue to him that you're comfortable in your skin and attuned to your body's desires. Stroke along the curve of your collarbone or trace your fingertips down your side. These subtle, yet intimate touches can pique his interest and leave him yearning for a deeper connection. Remember, the essence of sensuality lies in the anticipation and the subtle invitation of what's to come.


If You Dance, Dance with Him

person, human action, sports, physical exercise, Especially if you have some arousing music playing because then it will be on.


Dancing can be an incredibly sensual activity, so when the beats start to flow, pull him close and let your bodies move together. Feel the rhythm and allow your movements to sync in a flirtatious play. The physical connection, the eye contact, and the subtle grinding are just the perfect combination to set the sexual tension aflame. It's not about being a great dancer, it's about the intimacy and physical dialogue you create through your synchronized movements. Let every beat draw you closer and watch the sparks fly.


Toy with Your Hair a Bit

clothing, hair, person, hairstyle, brown hair, That's a surefire bit of body language, especially if you maintain smoldering eye contact.


Kissing on the Neck Can Go a Long Way

person, woman, people, It can go ALL THE WAY if you know what I mean – which I'm sure you do.


The gentlest contact of your lips on his neck can send a shiver down his spine, setting the stage for an intense physical connection. It's that soft, sensual touch that whispers promises of what's to come, electrifying the atmosphere with anticipation. Be playful, varying the intensity of your kisses, perhaps adding a hint of teeth for that extra thrill. It's all about the tease, the build-up, and making each touch feel like a secret only the two of you share. By focusing on this sensitive area, you’re not just initiating intimacy; you're creating an unforgettable experience.


Tug on His Ear with Your Lips

black, white, person, facial expression, black and white, Add some teeth in there, too, if you really want a result.


Sensually grazing his earlobe with your lips can send shivers down his spine, igniting a wildfire of desire within him. As you draw closer, allow the teasing touch of your teeth to lightly nibble, building a crescendo of tantalizing pleasure. Remember, the key is subtlety; a gentle bite can be incredibly arousing, creating a blend of sweet pain and pleasure that will leave him yearning for more. This mix of soft and sharp sensations will make the experience unforgettable, enhancing the intimacy between you both.


Press in Close Whenever Possible

clothing, person, black, human action, black and white, All the touching really helps, plus there's something so intimate about pressing yourself against someone else.


Getting physically close can ignite an undeniable spark. When your bodies are near, the heat you generate is practically palpable. Lean into him when you're laughing at his jokes, or find a reason to adjust his tie. Every brush of skin and shared breath amplifies attraction, building tension you both can feel. And in those moments where you're so close you can hear each other's heartbeats, the message is clear—you're accessible, and you're inviting him to break down the space between you. Remember, subtle moves can lead to intense moments that leave him wanting more.


Run Your Fingers through His Hair

person, black and white, woman, human action, If you think playing with your hair is a sign, wait until you see what happens when he plays with your hair.


Running your fingers through a man's hair can be an incredibly sensuous act. It signifies a level of comfort and intimacy that can be deeply arousing. As you gently caress his scalp and let your fingers glide through his locks, it sends a signal that you're caring and attentive—traits that are highly attractive. This subtle gesture can heighten his senses, making him more attuned to your touch elsewhere. By doing so, you're not only showing affection but also stoking the flames of desire, making him crave for more of your touch.


Indulge in a Passionate Make out Sesh

person, black, white, kiss, human action, This will get both of you going, to be honest.


Nothing compares to the electric charge that passes between two people when they're locked in a close, heartfelt make out session. Lean in close, brush against his lips softly before pressing yours firmly against his. The buildup of anticipation and the tantalizing play of tongues will set the stage for a passionate night. Remember to mix up the tempo; go slow to savor the moment, then quicken to stoke the fires of desire. Whispers and gentle nibbles on the ear or neck can send shivers down his spine, making him want you even more.


Sit in His Lap

black and white, GWF, You can always try a more direct approach.

Better yet, you can just tell him you want him. How do you get a guy to want you?

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sitting om lap and just out really fastet but it makes me think about my wt. twice before fulfilling this wish ;(

@raina hi ready to help

So I need help

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