The Most Beautiful Photos That Show LoveWins ...


History was finally made on 6/26/15 as everyone in the world can finally get married throughout ALL 50 states in the US! My wife and I are lucky to be able to live in New England, where all of the states already let you get married, but yesterday was historic for many, many other states, where marriage of same-sex was not allowed. I want to take some time to show you what this means to so, so many people and I want to share with you some of the most beautiful pictures from this historic moment. Let's paint the town in rainbows Stalkers!

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Kissing Cheeks = Adorable

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#LoveWins is the most beautiful hashtag in the world and I have to say, it did! What did you do to celebrate? My wife and I just held each other and cried and it was beautiful!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Honestly all I have to say is "gays" are turning against gods word. I mean c'mon now does the bible mean anything to you? Scratch that. Does God? NO ONE is hating. NO ONE is jealous. It's just so horrible. No love is NOT love!! I'm tired of that phrase! God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve! That phrase never gets old! The last days are here people God is coming! Read your bible!

I think comparing this article on love to the 'love' a pedophile has for a child is just offensive. A pedophile has a 'psychiatric' condition. This article is an expression of love that is consensual.

* gay baby* I hate making mistakes in the heat of the moment when you're typing hahaha I anger myself at that :) but yeah that's my opinion which I'm entitled to I can be against something/for something not everyone has to agree and that's fine because you're entitled to your opinion it's yours. But don't hurl insults have a decent adult conversation/debate.

Just because gay marriage is now legal doesn't mean everyone is gonna turn gay all the sudden. Calm your tits and not worry about other people's business. People have the right to love who ever they want(:

As a Christian woman, this is not a religious or church ruling. It is governmental win. If homosexuality is a sin, why did God create gay people? I've known all my life that I am not gay. I have a younger cousin that is gay. I knew he was different when he was a little boy before I understood what gay was. He was physically abused by his parents because he was "different". My cousin did not wave up one day and "decide" to be homosexual. He was gay from the day he was born just like I have been "straight" since the day I was born.

I think posting this article was gonna cause a few huffs and puffs but that's what life is about you agree/disagree with some people, I'm sure she was voicing her opinion and she's happy that gays have got their rights which she's entitled to I don't have an issue with that and I voiced my opinion and recently because it's everywhere as soon as you switch your telly on and you go outside I wanted to say what I said which I am allowed :) but I think this should be the end of it, some people agree some disagree

This is a sad day for true Bible reading Christians. Love has not won-sin has. Read the Bible this is a sin, just as adultery, lying, killing and blasphemy is.

@Shammy right on I totally agree w/ you. Thanks for having the courage. Not everyone agrees nor has to believe in homosexuality.

When you read back you're like what the hell was I typing haha :) no you didn't insult me it was others but hey ho that's life you're gonna get insulted once in a while can't be pleasing everyone haha :) I don't have any harsh feelings towards anyone really regardless of arguments or disagreements, but I think from my comments I'm gonna be made out like I'm some Neanderthal which no logic and stuck in the old times haha :)

@BaileyJustice 👌👏👍

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