9 Tokens of Love That Mean More than an Expensive Gift ...


When you love someone, it makes sense that you want to shower them with gifts and treat them to all the biggest and best things you can afford, but it is also important to remember that the treats you bestow on someone don’t always have to break the bank. It is much more important to show your affection with thoughtfulness than just with the size of your wallet. Here are 9 tokens of love that mean more than an expensive gift.

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Love Letters

Handwritten notes of love are really underappreciated in this modern age of texting and computers but don’t underestimate just how powerful a handwritten letter revealing your romantic feelings to your partner can be. It means so much more than typing out a few emojis!



If you are at a stage where you are in this relationship for the long haul, then nothing says I’m going to love you forever more than a permanent tattoo! I tend to think names are tacky, but there are plenty of other kinds of designs that can mean something personal to you are your partner.



A beautiful way to add to your family is to gift your partner a pet. A kitten, puppy, or any other kind of animal that they happen to love can really cement you as a lovely little family unit.


Five Year Plan

Sometimes, sitting down with your partner and setting out a serious five year plan for the relationship can be a much better gift than a necklace or bracelet. You will be giving them the gift of security and clarity and coming up with goals to work towards together.



You don’t need to book a fancy island vacation to make travel mean something. Have a think about some of the places closer to home that mean something to you, and organise a day trip or treasure hunt to evoke some of those fond memories together.

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Home Cooked Meal

It’s nice to go to a restaurant, but it is even better to prepare a home cooked meal that is filled with your love and commitment rather than just your money! Preparing delicious food for someone is one of the most intimate shows of love.


Get Creative

The more outside the box you can be, the better the gift will be received! Get in touch with your creative side and hand make something for your partner; it could be anything from a knitted sweater to a special painting to writing them a poem or song!


Book Swap

There is something really sweet and intimate about the books that you love the most, so why not pass on that intimacy by doing a book swap and trading your biggest literary passions with one another?



There is nothing better than a couples’ pampering session! They don’t have to be expensive, spas these days offer some great rates. If you wanted to keep things really cheap, you can always offer some massage services of your own!

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