It shouldn’t be a chore to keep the romance alive in your relationship. With these really easy little ways to be romantic you won’t have to try hard, but the payoff is great. And there’s 52 ways here so you do a new one each week!
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Bathroom Messages
Leave little love messages on the steamed up bathroom mirror for your loved one to read when they get out of the shower.
2. Massage
Offer to give them a massage after a hard day at work. It will be much appreciated.
3. Write a Poem
Put your feelings down on paper and present them with a loving poem. For even more effort, translate it in to a romantic language like French or Italian.
4. Public Declaration
Make your love known to the world by staging a public declaration of your love for your partner.
5. Mix Tape
Make a playlist of all the songs that you consider to be ‘your’ songs; music can be very special to a relationship.
6. Run a Bath
Run a luxurious bubble bath for them after a hard day. They will never love you more than at that precise moment!
7. Surprise Lunch
Give them a midday boost by surprising them at work with a delicious lunch that you have prepared for them.
8. Pillow Gift
Make them feel special by leaving a little gift on their pillow before bed; something like a nice chocolate or a little love note.
9. Post Work Praise
Make sure to have a great meal or bunch of flowers waiting for them if they have had to do a hard presentation at work that day.
10. Dedication
Send a message to your favorite radio station and dedicate a song to them.
11. Favorite Meal
Dedicate an evening to them by cooking them their favorite meal and playing their favorite music in the background.
To make it truly special, go the extra mile by setting the table with some elegant dinnerware and candles to create a romantic ambiance. You can even surprise them with a handwritten note expressing your feelings at their place setting. Don't forget to dress up as if you were going out to a fine dining restaurant. This thoughtful gesture will not only tantalize their taste buds but also touch their heart, reinforcing the love and care you have for them.
12. Foot Rub
We all love a good foot rub, and they are a great way to show your love for your partner.
13. Surprise Text
Every now and then send a spontaneous text to them telling them that you love them. It gives a great boost of romance.
14. Surprise Post
Even if you live together, it can be really fun to mail something to your partner: like a small gift, love letter or a list of things they do that makes you happy.
15. Wallet Photo
Give them a photo of you with a love message on the back that they can keep in their wallet to remind them of you whenever they want.
16. Car Message
Pop a note on the windshield of their car telling them that you love them and that you hope they have a good day at work.
17. Tree Initials
It’s a classic move, but it can be fun to find a tree and carve your initials in to it. It can be ‘your place’ forever.
18. PDA
When you are out in public and they least expect it, plant a great big smacker on their lips to show them how much you love them!
19. Cinema Date
Go and see a romantic movie at the theatre, sit in the back row and you can cuddle and kiss to your heart’s content.
20. King/Queen for a Day
Treat your partner to a day of absolute luxury by crowning them King or Queen for The Day and you are their humble servant!
21. Tree Planting
Plant a tree together and you will get satisfaction from watching it grow strong at the same time as your relationship is growing stronger.
22. Be Vocal
Don’t be afraid to tell them how much you love them as much you want. It’s crazy how some people seem to forget unless they physically hear it.
23. Old Fashioned Love Letter
Forget emails and text messages; go all the way and send a proper love letter on paper, perhaps with a fancy wax seal!
24. Code Words
Come up with a few code words that you can use at busy parties to let each other know that you can’t wait to get home and in to bed!
25. Hotel Stay
Every now and then, book in to a nice local hotel and have a one-night holiday getting the best room service and using the spa.
26. Place an Ad
Place an ad in a local paper declaring your love for them, and wait to see how long it takes them to see it!
27. Blindfold Surprise
Organize a surprise for them and make the most of using a blindfold to guide them to what you have arranged.
28. Write a Love Song
You don’t have to be the next Elton John or Adele; it’s the thought that counts!
29. Early Valentine
Don’t stick to the usual date; surprise your partner with an early Valentine to let them know you have really thought it through.
30. Secret Notes
If they have to go somewhere on a business trip, hide a bunch of sweet love notes on their luggage that they can keep finding.
31. Lend a Hand
Offer to help with any chores that your partner might be struggling with; your help will be much appreciated.
32. Be Spontaneous
No matter what kind of gesture of love you want to make, do it spontaneously. Those kinds of surprises are always welcome!
33. Name a Meal after Them
Invent a dinner that includes all of their favorite ingredients and name it after them.
This personal touch is sure to melt their heart every time they see it on the menu at home. Whip up this special concoction, whether it's a luxurious pasta dish, a cozy casserole, or even a fancy gourmet burger. Make sure to serve it on a night that's all about them, complete with their favorite wine or beverage. Watch their eyes light up with joy and surprise when they realize you've crafted something so thoughtful—and delicious—just for them. It's not just a meal; it's a memorable experience that celebrates your affection in every bite.
34. Body Paint
Be cheeky and buy some body paint and write a love message on your body for them to read with eyes a goggle!
35. Record Yourself
Record yourself reading out a love poem that the both of you love; it will give them something to listen to if you are apart for any reason.
36. Make a Collage
Make a collage of all the best pictures of the two of you to hang up somewhere in your house.
37. Mementos Box
Have a shoebox or something similar to keep all of the tickets, photos, notes etc. that have meant a lot to you during the relationship. Go through it together.
38. Sexy Lingerie
Treat your partner to a visual feast by slipping into some sexy lingerie.
39. Charity Donation
Do something for others in your partner’s name by donating to charity on their behalf; it is a really sweet gesture.
40. Remember Anniversaries!
Make sure that no matter what, you always remember the day of your anniversary!
41. Mindmap
Create a mindmap to give to your partner of all the things that you love about them, and how in turn these things make you a more complete person.
42. Beach Walk
If you live near a beach, then make the most of it by going for as many walks by the ocean together as you can.
43. Mean the Words
When you say I love you, make sure that you really mean it; your partner will be able to tell if you are just saying it for the sake of it.
44. Play Hooky
Be naughty together for a day by both calling in sick to work. You can spend the day catching up on all your shows and staying in bed!
45. Send an E-Card
Give your partner something to smile about during their work day by sending a surprise e-card telling them how much you love them.
46. Notes around the House
If you’re bored of leaving steam messages, instead hide little love notes all over the house that they will find when they are least expecting.
47. Keep a Blog
Keep an online blog where you can list everything loving thing that you do for each other. When there is enough, you can show your partner and they will absolutely love it.
48. Do Your Chores
Don’t leave it until the last minute to do all of those jobs that your partner has asked you to do. Get them done straight away and they will really appreciate it.
49. Be Kind!
Make the conscious effort to be kind and loving all day. See how much this more positive attitude can make a difference.
50. Take an Interest
Make an effort to be interested in your partner’s favorite hobbies. Even just asking a few questions now and then can make them feel good.
51. Early Christmas Present
Don’t wait until the 25th. Present your partner with an early Christmas gift and it will show them that you cannot wait to make them happy.
52. Great NYE Kiss
You have all year to practice, so make sure that your kiss on the stroke of midnight is the best one of the year!