8 Perfect Ways to Get Closer as a Couple ...


8 Perfect Ways to Get Closer as a Couple ...
8 Perfect Ways to Get Closer as a Couple ...

Are you looking for ways to get closer as a couple? It’s not the huge, romantic gestures that make a relationship, even though they can be lovely! Sometimes the smallest things can bring you closer together. Here are the best ways to get closer as a couple.

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Intimacy is Important

Sex is the obvious one, but it’s not everything. Intimacy comes in many shapes and sizes, both physical and emotional. Talk about your day. Hold hands. A kiss on the cheek. These are all great ways to get closer as a couple.


Take Time for Each Other

It helps if both couples but the work in, but making five minutes extra for your partner can go a long way. Put down your book for five minutes and ask if they’re ok. Have an extra five minutes in bed for some cuddles.


Share the Housework

If you live together, this is easy! Very few people like getting groceries or doing the laundry. Share the work and get it done twice as fast.


Having Rituals

It’s the small things that bring us together; who likes to shower first, who likes to do the cooking or who’s always the first one up. These develop over time and will naturally bring you closer, plus you’ll get to know each other better!


Be Honest

The foundation of any healthy relationship is honesty and communication. Tell your partner things - what’s bothering you or how you’re feeling. Be honest with yourselves and each other.

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Don’t Hide Things

Similar to the previous point, it’s easy to try and ignore things. If you’ve had a bad day, or if you’re a secretive person, it’s easy to keep things to yourself. If you want to be closer as a couple, you need the learn to bear all. If something is bothering you, tell him! If you’re mad at him, maybe he can work on it!


Share a Hobby

Nothing brings people together like a shared passion. Maybe you’re both artists, love music or share a passion for a sport. You’ll bond and become closer as you share.


Show Appreciation

Making your partner feel loved and appreciated with brings you closer. Say thank you for the little things. Appreciate the small stuff. He doesn’t need to surprise you with a trip to Paris for you to be grateful. And this works in reverse! Make his favourite dinner or tell him he looks nice today. It’s the small stuff that makes all the difference.

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