8 Ways to Get His Attention in School ...


8 Ways to Get His Attention in School ...
8 Ways to Get His Attention in School ...

How to get his attention in school? It's a pretty common question, right girls? After all, when you're in high school or even college, that's the time that you can see your crush everywhere and multiple times a day! Learning how to get his attention in school is hard, especially because you don't want to come off as desperate or embarrass yourself. Don't worry, I've got your back! I've got the top 8 ways on how to get his attention in school that are completely fool-proof!

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Smile at Him

Even if you've never talked to your crush but you want to learn how to get his attention, smiling is the first step! Show your pearly whites off and toss him a great smile! I swear, he'll smile back and even begin to notice that you after that! Smiling also makes you appear as much more approachable, so who knows, after you smile at him, maybe he'll come up to you and spark a conversation!


Chat Him up in the Hallway

Let's say that you've talked to your crush a couple different times, but never a full conversation. Between classes or even just after school, why not seek out his locker and chat him up? Who knows, maybe he's been waiting for you to make the first move and he was just too shy to approach you!


Ask for Help with Your Homework

This is one of the biggest how to get his attention tricks that tons of girls use! What subject are you not doing so hot in? For me, it's math! Take that subject and ask your crush for help. He'll feel better knowing that you aren't perfect at all of your homework too and maybe you can help him out with some of the subjects he's struggling with too!


Try to Have Lunch with Him

School can be super stressful and the timing is pretty strict isn't it? Why not take your lunch time (if you have the same time frame as your crush of course) and try to have lunch with him? You could even catch him in the hallway and ask him to have lunch with you beforehand. It's a great way for you two to have a conversation and really get to know one another!


Flirt with Him

Just because you're in school, doesn't mean you can't pull some of your flirty tricks with him! Give off some flirty smiles, send him some texts that are a little flirty and even leave him some notes. I know your crush will appreciate it and who knows, maybe he'll pick up the hints that you like him!

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Eye Contact

A lot of girls advert their eyes when their crush comes along but truthfully, eye contact is sexy! If you lock eyes with your crush, it makes you more approachable and who knows, maybe he'll just start up a conversation with you! Don't stare too long though, it'll make him uncomfortable.


Flirty Waves

Let's say that your lockers are across the hall from one another. You see each other all of the time, but haven't really gotten a chance to talk. Why not wave at him? Flirty little waves will let your crush know that you're into him and you want him to approach you!


Notes in Class

I know this is typically a huge no-no, but what about passing (very carefully!) a few notes in class? Or if you sit next to one another, what about writing back and forth in your notebooks? Trust me, it's a great way to get to know your crush and a fantastic way on how to get his attention in school. You'll also be able to showcase your sense of humor!

Learning how to get his attention in school doesn't have to be super difficult! All you have to do is take some of these tips and tricks to heart and I promise ladies, he'll approach you sooner than you expect! So – what other tips do you have on how to get his attention girls? Any you can share?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

So there is this boy that goes to my school. I don't even know him, but wish that I did! The only contact I have had with him is I accidentally bumped into him in the hallway and said sorry and smiled. Then, i was on Facebook and wandered across his profile then got his name and we r fbook friends now. Now, I see him coming out of almost every class! I can't stop thinking about him, which is weird cuz I don't even know him. I don't think he would ever like a girl like me. I guess I'm sorta pretty and in the middle of the social class. I can't just start talking to him cuz he will think I'm a weirdo. I thought about getting his number off Facebook and then texting him asking about hw but pretend that I meant to text somebody else, but then I think he will think I'm creepy or just start shutting me down over text. What to do???

Im 13 and the guy i like is 14 i see him everyday at school and i really like him he has a girlfriend though i feel we have a connection because the way he acts when im around and we are always making eye contact but my friend katherine and his girlfriend have problem so i know his girlfriend hates me.i want to tell him how i feel but im scared.what do i do please , HELP!

Hi, I love this but the thing is he flirts with my friend. We always text eachother but the thing is that he told me he likes my closest friend and I think that's the only reason why he texts me to get closer to her. My best friend don't like him at all but as I gaze at him he gazes at her :( my heart hurts more than ever writing this down

Hi this was a terrific article thanks for all the tips. I like a guy and he is really shy, we are both on the track team though so we see each other a lot! I find him coming up to me sometimes to try and get a little conversation in, I guess that is good! And when we message each other on Facebook we will talk for hours! But he never messages me first.. so what does that mean? And how can I talk to him more since his so shy?

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