7 Unique Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Your Special Someone ...


7 Unique Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Your Special Someone ...
7 Unique Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Your Special Someone ...

I'm here with some great unique Valentine's gift ideas. It’s almost that time of year again. Valentine’s Day. Whether you’ve been with your partner for years or this is the first Valentine’s Day that you’ll be spending together, there’s the same challenge. How do you find them a gift that’s romantic without being cliché? We’re here to help, with some fun, creative and unique Valentine's gift ideas.

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1. Rose Soap

There are several different businesses that sell soap made with real rose petals. This is a fun take on the traditional bouquet of roses. This is the perfect gift to pair with a romantic gesture and is one of the best unique Valentine's gift ideas.

2. Compliment Jars

This is probably one of the least expensive gift options to make, and it’s something that your significant other will enjoy for the rest of the year. Just write down 365 things that you love about him and put them in a jar. That way he can start out every day remembering how much you love him.

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3. Preserved Flowers

There are a lot of variations of this. Glass flowers, real flowers that have been preserved, dried flowers, etc. But getting your partner a beautiful flower that will never fade, is a great way to show him that you love him and that, much like your gift, you’re in the relationship for the long term.

4. Moon Lamps

These are a fad that have become popular as of late. This lamp, when turned on, looks just like the moon. It creates a sexy, fun lighting for your Valentine date. It’s a thoughtful gift that you can keep on enjoying.

5. Music Boxes

If you have a couple’s song this is a particularly good idea. Get a music box customized to play “your song”. It’s a thoughtful gesture that shows you put time and effort into getting your partner the perfect gift.

6. Care Baskets

These are so great because they’re completely personalizable. You can put in things that reference past dates, anniversaries, hobbies, and so much more. This is a budget-friendly, personal way of showing your partner how much he means to you.

7. Photo Collage or Album

Gather photos of you two as a couple. Put them in a frame, or a book or a collage. However you want to arrange them, it’ll be a great gift to represent you two as a couple and highlight some of the major events in your relationship.