Fab Flirty Tips for Girls Using Snapchat with Their Crush ...

Lucy May 4, 2017

Fab Flirty Tips for Girls Using Snapchat with Their Crush ...
Fab Flirty Tips for Girls Using Snapchat with Their Crush ...

Looking for a fun and playful way to flirt with your crush? Snapchat is the answer! For one, it makes it super easy and effective to communicate with them in quick 10 second snaps. Keep reading for plenty of helpful tips, brought to us by ‌gurl.com‌, on how to flirt with your crush using Snap!

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1. Impress Him with Your Culinary Achievements

dish, food, meat, grilling, steak, Snap a pic of that delicious new Pinterest recipe you made. Cooking together can be a future date idea, and let’s face it: everyone loves food.

2. Don’t Send Selfies from Your Bathroom

hair, human hair color, face, facial expression, blond, No one wants to see the toilet in the background of a photo, even for a few seconds.

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3. Use Lots of Emojis

icon, smiley, emoticon, font, illustration, What’s more playful than the winky face?

4. Maintain a Little Mystery

mud, material, Send the photo of your feet in the sand, but maybe hold off on the full blown bikini shot. It’s fun to tease when flirting sometimes.

5. Use All the Puppy Pictures

dog, mammal, vertebrate, dog breed, dog breed group, Who doesn’t love cute animals? This is an easy way to start a convo.

6. Make Him or Her Feel Special

white, hair, black and white, person, image, Send your crush snaps that you don’t post in your Story, so they knows they’re being specifically chosen.

7. Keep It under 10 Seconds

speech, screenshot, interaction, If a Snap is a full 10 seconds, it should probably be an Instagram. Half the fun is the “now you see it, now you don’t.”

8. Respond to the Snaps They Sends You

human action, product, furniture, leg, hairstyle, Who says you have to play hard-to-get?

9. Keep It PG

football player, sports, wrestler, muscle, boxing, Don’t forget that it is possible to take a screenshot of a Snapchat. Plus, you never know when your crush is sitting next to a friend while opening your picture.

10. Share Your Favorite Activities

people, crowd, spring break, audience, musician, Showing off your hobbies and the cool places you go is way more interesting than just 1000 selfies (even though you’re beautiful).

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