Awesome Ways to Make Your Single Years Significant ...


Awesome Ways to Make Your Single Years Significant ...
Awesome Ways to Make Your Single Years Significant ...

Ever wondered how to make your single years significant? I have been single for most of my life and I’m 30 years old. I consider myself to be an attractive female. I believe I have a number of things to offer in a relationship. But my singleness has seemed to be the luck of the draw, but it’s been a great journey. I have had sad days. I have had good days. The reality is that being single is a journey and you experience a range of emotions. Here are a few things that I have learned and would like to give these nuggets to you to enjoy your journey of singleness. Here's how to make your single years significant.

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Use Your Singleness as Self-discovery

Discover exactly who you are. Ask yourself tough questions, like: What do I really like? Where do I want to go? What pisses me off? What inspires me? What discourages me? Answering these questions can take years of self-discovery. But, you don’t want to get into a relationship not having even the slightest idea of these answers. Self-awareness makes us better partners and is one of the best answers for how to make your single years significant.


Don’t Wait for a Relationship to LIVE

Have fun now. Take the trip. Buy the house. Go to the concert. Living as a single woman makes you all the more marketable. You’re building your repertoire of discussion topics.


Stop Mulling over It

Divert your attention away from singleness and think about your life’s possibilities. Don’t measure your friend’s engagement as a sign of failure in your life. Don’t take FB and Instagram posts as the totality of life. They are not a measuring stick for your success.


Embrace Your Current Relationships and Form New Ones

Get a sister circle or a brother circle to help you during those trying times. Relationships teach you things about you.

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