You never want to be considered a mean girl, especially by the guy you're interested in dating. If he thinks you're a jerk, then he's not going to stick around for long. In fact, he might ignore you whenever he sees you. That means he'll never be your boyfriend. If you're worried about chasing him away, here are a few "mean girl" traits that you don't want to have:
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1. Being Bossy
There's a difference between taking the lead and being bossy. If you're working on a group project, everyone will appreciate it if you break down the assignment and give each person something to do. However, they won't appreciate it if you refuse to listen to anyone else's opinions and force others to do as you say. No one likes being bossed around, especially boys.
Assertive leadership is fantastic, but crossing into dictatorial territory is a no-go. When you fail to consider the thoughts and feelings of your peers, it's not just off-putting to the boys - it alienates everyone. A balance between assertiveness and open-mindedness fosters a collaborative environment that is not only productive but also harmonious. Remember, it's one thing to be a take-charge person, but quite another to be perceived as a tyrant. In the game of affection and friendship, a generous dose of respect and listening goes a long way.
2. Being Conceited
It's healthy for you to have confidence. However, some people take that advice a little too far. They have such big heads that they consider themselves superior to others. Even worse, they think they're so perfect that it's impossible for them to make mistakes. That means they'll never apologize when they should and will never give others credit for a job well done.
3. Being Dishonest
Even if you're an amazing liar, others are going to figure out the truth eventually. When they do, they won't be happy with you. No man will ever trust you if every word out of your mouth is a lie. He'll never be able to believe you when you say you're being faithful to him and that he's the only one for you.
4. Being Dramatic
Boys hate drama. If you can't go one day without starting a fight with someone, then he won't want to date you. Everyone has problems in their life, but if you're creating more of them than you're solving, he's going to find someone with a much tamer lifestyle.
5. Being Greedy
If he buys you a rose, and you complain about not getting a diamond, he'll accuse you of being unappreciative. Whenever men perform a romantic gesture, they want to be thanked for it. All you have to do is give him a small kiss or a simple thankful and he'll be happy. If you complain about how cheap he is, then that happiness will vanish.
6. Being Materialistic
If he wants to give you a romantic kiss in the rain, but you complain about your expensive necklace getting water droplets on it, he won't be happy. You shouldn't care more about your material items than you care about him. If he finds out you'd rather lose him than your iPhone, then he won't stick around for long.
7. Being Self-Centered
Not every conversation will be about you. When you're in a relationship, you need to give your partner equal time to talk. If you always cut him off in the middle of his stories about work, he won't want to continue talking to you. Men want you to listen to them, just like we want them to listen to us.
It might seem like all the boys like the bad girls, but the meaner you are, the shorter your relationships will be. It's always better to act like an angel than a devil. Which one of these "mean girl" traits do you hate the most?
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