7 Perks of Having a Husband Who Leaves Town for Work ...


There’re some perks of having a husband who leaves town for work. Of course you miss him and would prefer that he was home with you. But there’re some perks that you shouldn’t overlook. Focusing on the good aspects of your husband leaving town for work can actually help the time he’s gone to go by faster.

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It’s a Throwback to Dating

It’s a bit like you’re dating again when your husband leaves town for work. You aren’t together every single day, annoying each other with the little quirks that married couples find out about each other. It’s a bit of a break. It can take you back to your dating days when your time together was to be treasured. There really is something to the old saying that “absence makes the heart grow fonder.”


It’s a Break from Cooking

The time your husband is out of town can be a break from cooking for you. If you usually cook when he’s home then you’re off the hook for a while. Order some takeout or have a bowl of cereal for dinner. Enjoy your break from the kitchen while it lasts. If you husband usually cooks for you then you have a great excuse to call a pizza in.


You Can Enjoy Some Girl Time

While you can certainly get together with the girls when your husband is home, it’s the perfect time for a girl’s night out when he’s gone. It’s a good way to fill your evenings. You don’t have any reason to hurry home, unless you’re also a parent. You can just enjoy your time out with your besties.


Having your husband away means unlimited catch-ups with your girlfriends. Whether it's a pampering spa day, a wine-tasting adventure, or a simple movie marathon night, the possibilities are endless. It's your chance to reconnect, share stories, and strengthen your bonds without glances at the clock. Allow yourself to relish the laughter and the freedom – it's a perfect opportunity to create memories that you'll cherish. Plus, it's therapeutic; surrounding yourself with your support group can uplift your spirits and make the time apart fly by.


You Can Skip Shaving

There’s some humor in this one but it’s true. If your hubby’s not there, you can skip shaving a little more. You also may feel a little freer to have a lazy day without makeup or doing your hair. Those may not be things you care about even when your husband’s home and that’s okay if that’s what’s comfortable for you and your marriage. But if those’re things that you’re usually a stickler for, this’s the time to let them go a little and not worry over it.


You Don’t Have to Share the Remote

Admit, it ladies. As much as you love and miss your husband, it’s really nice to have the remote all to yourself. You don’t have to watch ESPN or any of his other manly shows. You can watch HGTV to your heart’s content. You don’t even have to deal with his comments about your chic shows.

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Some Alone Time Can Be Nice

Everyone needs alone time. When you’re married, especially after you have children, alone time can be a rare commodity. Take advantage of the quiet while you have it. Just enjoy your own company. Alone time means something different to everyone and that’s alright. For some, it may mean curling up with a good book and for others, maybe an evening of yoga and meditation.


Use this time to explore new hobbies or rekindle old passions that you might have put on the back burner. Indulge in activities that you love but don't usually have time for when the house is full. Paint, write, start a DIY project, or simply take a long, uninterrupted bath. This is the perfect opportunity to recharge and reconnect with yourself. Alone time isn't just a break from the chaos, it's an essential part of maintaining your sense of self and well-being.


Sweet Reunions

One of the best about when your husband leaves town for work is the sweet reunions you have to look forward to when he comes home. It’s not always a picnic when your husband travels for work but there’re some good things about it, especially this one. You can make special plans for the two of you when he gets home. It can be a lot of fun to plan and anticipate his return. You can make up for all that lost time that you were apart.

These’re some of the perks of your husband leaving town for work. What do you enjoy when your husband’s gone? Share your thoughts.

Feedback Junction

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Hubby was in the Air Force for 20+ years and now works for Boeing, both jobs had/have him traveling A LOT! While I worried about him (still do), I do have to say it's nice to get the bed to yourself and have cereal for dinner it you want. Hell, it took him 5 years to figure out I colored my hair, and that's only because he came home early! I love him, but I don't know what we're gonna do when he finally retires....

Very true pointers, my spouse works off shore therefore is gone at least 6 weeks at a time. The time we do have together should be full of joy. I try and plan things so we can enjoy one another.

When my husband use to leave for work, it was to go to war. He was in the army and went to war often. I'm so glad I don't have that worry anymore, now that he is retired. It was a constant worry the whole year he was gone each time. Great article tho :)

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