Warning Signs You're in a "Passing Time" Relationship ...

Neecey Feb 23, 2024

Warning Signs You're in a "Passing Time"  Relationship ...
Warning Signs You're in a "Passing Time"  Relationship ...

You want to know that your relationship has a future but how do you tell? Hope doesn’t get you far in knowing if he’s in it for keeps. Successful and long term relationship can be generally “measured” by hallmarks such as progression, commitment, trust, respect, care and commitment. However, these can be easily undermined and manifest as signs that your partner is just passing time with your relationship.

Quiz: Unveil Your Relationship Type


How often do you and your partner communicate throughout the day?

1. Infrequent Contact

Infrequent Contact Not all relationships mean that you have to be living in each other’s pockets 24/7, but there might be a sign that your hearts are not in it when you realize that you hardly spend any time together at all.

It is true that not all relationships require constant contact, but when you find yourself not spending any time together, it could be a sign that your relationship is not as strong as it could be. There could be a number of reasons why this is the case, such as one or both of you being busy with work or other commitments, or it could simply be a sign that you are not as interested in each other as you once were.

If you feel like you and your partner are in a “passing time” relationship, there are some things you can do to try to rekindle the spark. Make an effort to plan dates and activities that you can do together, even if it’s just for a few hours. Show your partner that you still care about them and that you are willing to make time for them.

If you feel like your relationship is stuck in a rut, it might be time to have an honest conversation with your partner about how you both feel. Ask them if they feel like the relationship is going anywhere and if they would like to try to make it work. If they are open to the idea, you can come up with a plan together for how to move forward.

2. Mostly Electronic Contact

Mostly Electronic Contact A key sign that a relationship is just a passing time phase is when you do most of your communication via text, phone call or email rather than spending physical time together.

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3. The Relationship is Not a Priority

The Relationship is Not a Priority You might be just passing time if either of you doesn’t treat each other as your social priority, choosing to spend time with friends rather than together.

When it comes to relationships, it can be difficult to tell if you are in a “passing time” relationship or a committed one. A “passing time” relationship is one in which both parties are not invested in the relationship and are merely passing time with one another. Here are some warning signs that you may be in a “passing time” relationship:

  1. There is a lack of communication. If you and your partner don’t communicate with each other or make an effort to stay in touch, then it may be a sign that the relationship is not a priority for either of you.

  2. You don’t make plans together. If you and your partner never make plans to hang out, then it could be a sign that the relationship is not a priority.

  3. The relationship is not a priority. If either of you chooses to spend time with friends rather than each other, then it could be a sign that the relationship is not a priority.

4. Reluctance to Commit

Reluctance to Commit If you have floated the idea of moving in together but have been met with silence or avoidance, then that’s a sign that somebody isn’t as committed as you thought.

When it comes to relationships, it can be difficult to tell if you’re in a passing time relationship or something more serious. While there are many signs that can indicate that your relationship is not meant to last, one of the most telling signs is a reluctance to commit. If you have been together for a while and you have floated the idea of moving in together but have been met with silence or avoidance, then that’s a sign that somebody isn’t as committed as you.

It’s also important to consider the amount of communication between the two of you. If you’re not talking as much as you used to, it could be a sign that one or both of you are losing interest. This could be due to a lack of commitment or simply because you’re in a passing time relationship.

Another sign that you’re in a passing time relationship is if you’re not making plans for the future. If your partner isn’t interested in discussing long-term plans, such as marriage or children, then that’s a sign that they’re not as invested in the relationship as you are.

5. They Take Advantage

They Take Advantage Have a think about the time you spend together. Is there a common theme that they only get in touch with you when they want/need something?

something from you? It's a red flag when your interactions revolve around them needing your help, be it a favor, your expertise, or just your emotional support, without giving much back. Reflect on whether they are equally responsive and supportive when you are the one in need. A balanced partnership involves mutual give-and-take; otherwise, it's just a one-sided affair where you're being used as a convenient resource, not cherished as a significant other.

6. They Cancel Plans

They Cancel Plans Cancelling long-term plans at the last minute is a classic sign that your partner is not as invested in the relationship as you are.

It can be difficult to tell if your partner is truly committed to the relationship or if they are just passing time. Cancelling plans at the last minute is a common sign that your partner may not be as invested as you. This could be due to a lack of interest or a lack of time, but it could also be a sign that your partner is not taking the relationship seriously. Other signs of a passing time relationship include avoiding important conversations, not introducing you to their family and friends, and not wanting to make future plans. If you are in a passing time relationship, it may be time to have an honest conversation with your partner about the future of the relationship.

7. They Create Drama

They Create Drama Have you noticed that your partner tends to try to create drama, perhaps in order for a fight to break out and for you to end it all together?

Drama can often be a diversion tactic, utilized when someone isn't truly invested in the longevity of a relationship. It may be an attempt to deflect from the real issues at hand or a way to create an adrenaline rush to mimic emotional depth. But these theatrics can be draining and signify a lack of sincerity and stability. If your partner resorts to stirring up conflict where there is none, this should raise a red flag. A healthy relationship should be a source of comfort and support, not a constant battleground for unnecessary skirmishes.

8. Slow Response

Slow Response Do they take an absolute age to reply to messages or return phone calls? Think about why - are they putting other people before you?

9. Still Close to Ex

Still Close to Ex Are they still close to their ex even though they know it makes you uncomfortable? It could be that they are keeping their options open.

The phrase "passing time" relationship can refer to a relationship that is not serious and has no long-term potential. This type of relationship can be damaging for both parties involved, as it can lead to feelings of insecurity and confusion. In the case of being close to an ex, it can be especially difficult for the partner who is not comfortable with the situation. It is important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner to ensure that both parties feel respected and secure in the relationship. If your partner is still close to their ex, it is important to discuss boundaries and expectations to ensure that both parties feel comfortable in the relationship.

10. Excuses, Excuses

Excuses, Excuses Do they blame their lack of commitment on things like late busses or other ‘emergencies’; too many excuses can allude to a deeper problem.

This article is a warning sign for women who may be in a "passing time" relationship. A passing time relationship is one where the couple is not committed to each other and is just passing time with each other. Signs of a passing time relationship include making excuses for not being able to commit, such as late busses or other ‘emergencies’. Other signs include not making plans for the future, not introducing each other to family and friends, and not being emotionally invested in the relationship. If you are in a passing time relationship, it is important to be honest with yourself and your partner and take steps to move forward.

11. They Only Make an Effort after an Argument

They Only Make an Effort after an Argument If your boyfriend only pays you the attention you want after an argument, it’s a clear sign that he just putting in the time before you can go ‘back to normal’.

12. Flip-Flopping

Flip-Flopping There is nothing more frustrating that somebody who keeps flip-flopping on a relationship. Why don’t they care as much as you do?

Flip-flopping in a relationship is one of the most common signs of a passing time relationship. When one partner is constantly changing their mind about the relationship, it can be a sign that they are not as invested as they should be. This can be especially frustrating for the other partner who is more committed.

The flip-flopper may be afraid of commitment, or they may not be sure what they want from the relationship. Either way, this type of behavior can be a sign that the relationship is not meant to last.

A flip-flopper may also be trying to avoid confrontation. They may be afraid of discussing their feelings and expressing their needs. This can lead to a lack of communication and understanding between the two partners.

It can also be a sign of emotional immaturity. If one partner is unable to handle the ups and downs of a relationship, they may resort to flip-flopping in order to avoid dealing with difficult emotions.

Flip-flopping in a relationship can be a sign that the relationship is not going to last. If you notice your partner flip-flopping, it is important to take a step back and assess the situation.

13. Self-Interest

Self-Interest Do you find that the bulk of your conversations tend to revolve around your partner and their interests rather than anything to do with you? It might suggest that the relationship is more an ego boost for them than anything more.

14. The "but"

The "but" For some reason, a lot of guys seem to think that this is an acceptable line to give to us when they want to be with you but not take it to the next step. What garbage!

15. They Don’t Want to Be Exclusive

They Don’t Want to Be Exclusive The very fact that your boyfriend is thinking about sleeping with other people is not great, but the fact that he thinks you might be okay with it shows a lack of respect.

16. Only in It for the Sex

Only in It for the Sex If he only sticks around for physical reasons, then this is a ‘relationship’ that is never going to stand the test of time.

17. You Feel like Friends with Benefits

You Feel like Friends with Benefits There is a distinctly different feel to a real relationship and a friends with benefits type situation. If you think you are in the latter category, then it’s not going to last.

18. Selfish

Selfish Does everything you do together have to be something that he wants, done in exactly the way that he planned? A lack of compromise hints at a lack of care for a partner.

19. Takes You for Granted

Takes You for Granted Do you find that your partner treats you badly when he is super nice to everybody else? This is a classic case of taking you for granted because he has become too comfortable with the current situation.

20. They’re Always ‘Busy’

They’re Always ‘Busy’ So he is free for sleepovers, but is conveniently busy whenever you want to do more couple oriented things during the day? Sounds like he just wants you for sex to me.

21. They Go AWOL

They Go AWOL In a true, authentic relationship, your partner shouldn’t go off the grid suddenly for a days at a time. If he does this then it means that he doesn’t care much about your feelings and just gets in touch when it suits him.

It's easy to be blinkered and think your relationship will survive but without a solid foundation it will eventually crumble. What are the most important relationship hallmarks for you?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This sounds an awful lot like my current "relationship". He's forever cancelling plans, is always busy, and never puts in any effort. 😒

If my bf read this he would disagree w/ every point or state that he isn't guilty to even one! Sad but true!

True !

Wow my boyfriend find this funny!

Happens the other way around you. My girlfriend has been treating me this way. The more I invested myself both emotionally, as well as financially supporting her, the more more diffucult it is to let go. There is always next emergency, when she needs my help, I step in, and then it is silence for days, she goes awol.

This article is so true! Was in a relationship with a guy that never spent time with me mostly talked on phone and he bought me things but time is more valuable materialistic things can be replaced. Lesson learned!

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