7 Things Preventing You from Getting a Boyfriend ...


7 Things Preventing You from Getting a Boyfriend ...
7 Things Preventing You from Getting a Boyfriend ...

If you’re wondering why you’ve been single for so long, you should pay attention to the things preventing you from getting a boyfriend. You might not even realize that some of your actions are pushing men away. By recognizing what you’re doing wrong, you can correct it. So keep an eye out for the things preventing you from getting a boyfriend.

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Lack of Confidence

If you don’t think highly of yourself, it’ll be hard for men to see your good qualities. You need to find things you love about yourself and think about them often. Once you learn to love yourself, it’ll be easier to accept the love others give you. One of the possible things preventing you from getting a boyfriend is your own mind. You need to be confident, and remember that you deserve to be happy. You’re not a bother to men; you’re a prize.


Hiding Yourself Away

If you never leave your room, how are you supposed to meet your soulmate? You need to get out there, as scary as it sounds. Don’t hide in your house, and don’t keep your lips sealed. In order to establish a connection with someone, you need to talk. It can’t all be physical.


Overly High Expectations

You deserve someone amazing, but don’t get carried away. You can’t compare every guy you meet to your favorite celebrity. It’s an unfair comparison. You don’t want men comparing you to their favorite models, do you? It’s fine to have a list of traits that you’re looking for in a man, but don’t be afraid to commit to someone who doesn’t match the list exactly.


Refusing to Trust

No one likes to be called a liar, nor do they like to be accused of things that they didn’t do. If you refuse to trust a man simply because he’s a man, then you need to remember that everyone is different. If an ex hurt you in the past, you can’t take it out on your next boy. You can guard your heart, but only to a certain extent.


Flirting with Friends

When a man likes you, he won’t be too happy to see you flirt with his friends. He wants to know that you’re into him, and only him. You’re not the only one who worries about getting cheated on. Men don’t want to worry if their girl is unfaithful. If you’re a big flirt, then it could be keeping him from committing.

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Changing Your Mind

If you’re friendly with a man one day, and you ignore him the next day, he’s going to be confused. Some men hate playing games. They need to be bluntly told how you feel, because they’ll never figure it out on their own. If he doesn’t understand your actions, he’s going to give up eventually. He’ll find a different girl that doesn’t confuse him as much as you do.


Not Opening up

You don’t have to blurt out your deepest secrets to a stranger, but you can’t hold back everything. If he’s the only one telling stories about his childhood, he’s going to wonder why you always clam up. He might find the mystery appealing at first, but relationships require communication. If you don’t talk to him, you won’t be able to bond. Don’t you want him to fall in love with the real you?

If you’re guilty of any of the above offenses, you can easily fix them. All it takes is a little time and effort. Are you single at the moment or have you found the perfect man?

Feedback Junction

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@Aubrey Oh Sorry, but in todays world there are so many 8 yr olds who have bfs and i have never had one. Im 14. Should i be worried about never finding a love?

Maybe its not my time yet

Men can do #6 to us too. Very frustrating...

Beating a dead horse because it's the same thing all the time.

These are very true, especially the one about confidence. My brother always said what turns him on the most about a woman is how good she feels about herself.

This definitely describes me to a T!!! It has been five years since I have dated anyone because my last boyfriend cheated on me and the guy before that cheated two months before wedding with my good friend I walked in on him and her and now they are married with two children!!

@Isabella. I feel like I'm going to be forever alone

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