17 Things Your Boyfriend Should Know about Your Ex ...

Holly Jan 22, 2024

17 Things Your Boyfriend Should Know  about Your Ex ...
17 Things Your Boyfriend Should Know  about Your Ex ...

It's not rude to talk about your ex. After all, your boyfriend deserves to know a little bit about your past. That's why your exes shouldn't be off limits. Here are a few things that your boyfriend should know about your ex:

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1. How Long You Were Together

How Long You Were Together Your boyfriend won't know how serious you and your ex were unless you tell him how long you were together. There's a huge difference between three months and three years.

2. Why You Two Broke up

Why You Two Broke up Make sure your man knows why your old relationships ended. That way, he won't make the same mistakes as your exes did.

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3. Why You Dated Him in the First Place

Why You Dated Him in the First Place There's a reason why you used to like your ex. Don't be afraid to let your man know why you decided to date your ex in the first place.

4. What His Name Was

Hisfirst, name, Agent, You shouldn't hide your ex's name from your man. He probably wants to do some Facebook stalking, just like you would do.

5. If He Gave You an STD

If He Gave You an STD If you have an STD, it's important for you to tell your man that information. He's probably going to want to know who gave it to you, of course.

6. Where You Met Him

Where You Met Him Did you meet at work, at school, or at the supermarket? Let your man know.

7. If You Still Talk to Him

If You Still Talk to Him Your man deserves to know if you're still in contact with your ex. If he's not okay with you talking to your exes, then you're going to have to have a serious talk.

8. What He Looks like

What He Looks like Your man won't ask you what your ex looks like, but he's definitely curious. He wants to know who was more attractive.

9. Who Set You Two up

Who Set You Two up If your BFF set you up with your ex, mention it to your man. That way, he'll know that your friends are still friends with him.

10. What You Disliked about Him

What You Disliked about Him Don't be afraid to list off the things you hated about your ex. It'll let your man know what qualities you hope he'll never have.

11. If You Ever Run into Him

If You Ever Run into Him If your ex works where you work, or goes to school where you go to school, let your man know that you're probably going to run into your ex at some point. That way, he'll be prepared when it happens.

12. If You’re Friends with Him on Social Media

If You’re Friends with Him on Social Media Let your man know if you still follow your ex on Facebook and Instagram.

13. If He Was Your First

If He Was Your First Your man might not ask you how many people you've been with, but he definitely wants to know. That's why you should tell him if your ex was your first.

14. If He's Dangerous

If He's Dangerous If your ex is dangerous, give your man a warning. It's better to be safe than to be sorry.

15. If You Still Have Pictures of Him on Your Phone

If You Still Have Pictures of Him on Your Phone Don't hide the pictures of your ex. Let your man know you keep them hidden away as memories.

16. If You Still Talk to His Parents

If You Still Talk to His Parents If you still keep in touch with your ex's parents or siblings, let your man know you have a connection to him.

17. That You’re over Him

That You’re over Him This is the most important thing of all. Make sure your boyfriend knows that you're completely over your ex, so he has nothing to worry about.

You shouldn't bring up your ex constantly, but it doesn't hurt to talk about him every once in a while. Does your man know all about your ex-boyfriends?

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I mean to say "phone"

These are non of things my current bf should know about my ex. I certainly don't care at all to find out about his ex. I don't care so he shouldn't either.

Don't dwell on your past! Move on and be happy 😊

@Sal totally with you - "we should move on and cherish the current moment" :) life's too short to dwell on what happened!

Literally none of these are his business

Frankly I don't see any need to talk about the past to your new boyfriend now. We should move on and cherish the current moment

Yeah.. No.. I give dating advice to everyone I know, and the one thing I tell them more than anything, whether they're men or women, is that if their partner keeps bringing up their ex then the relationship isn't in a good place. And I've been right every time.

Okey seriously! No guy wants to sit and listen to all this!

There is a few things that I don't like about this quote, I just think that if you wanna be honest to your man you should be honest on any way and never have any of your ex's pics on your hidden memories that is disrespectful, simple.

You probably just shouldn't talk about your ex

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