Heartbreaking Confessions of People Who Miss Their Ex ...


Heartbreaking Confessions of People Who Miss Their Ex ...
Heartbreaking Confessions of People Who Miss Their Ex ...

Missing your ex is so hard, breaking up is so hard but trust, it does get better eventually. Below, I've got a list of gifs that will not only help you through your breakup, but the confessions might sound a bit familiar. Remember, it gets better!

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You Feel like You Lost Your Bestie

You Feel like You Lost Your Bestie This is probably the worst part...

Related: The Exes ...

Is the Pain Worth It Though?

Is the Pain Worth It Though? It is – just doesn't feel like it in the moment.


You Sometimes Blame Yourself

You Sometimes Blame Yourself Or at least think that you are making them leave.


You Don't Want to Admit It …

You Don't Want to Admit It … ...but they are.


It Won't Happen Right Away …

It Won't Happen Right Away … Eventually, it does happen though.

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The Crying Eventually Goes Away

The Crying Eventually Goes Away Seriously, it does stop.


You Wish 'em the Best Even through the Tears

You Wish 'em the Best Even through the Tears … it still hurts though.


You See Them in Everything

You See Them in Everything It does get a little bit better as time goes on.


You've Tried the Friends Thing

You've Tried the Friends Thing It didn't work.


You Remember the Little Things That Made Them Beautiful

You Remember the Little Things That Made Them Beautiful And you try to push it out of your head...


But You do – All the Time

But You do – All the Time The past haunts you.


It's so Hard for You to Connect with People

It's so Hard for You to Connect with People Especially after this relationship.


You Did This so Often in Your Last Relationship

You Did This so Often in Your Last Relationship Put yourself first now!


You Start Thinking That They Deserved Better than You

You Start Thinking That They Deserved Better than You Even though you are amazing.


You Are Now Going to Swear off Love

You Are Now Going to Swear off Love Forever right?


You Never Wanted Them to Leave

You Never Wanted Them to Leave Even if you didn't want to admit to it.


You Tried to Be …

You Tried to Be … ...and you are if you believe in yourself.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Yes it hurts but it is good to move on

#1 was hard for me

@Shea no u r not hopeless u r still in love but when u meet someone new you will move on don't worry!

I had only one boy in my life who really meant something to me and we were over two years ago, but I can't stop thinking about til now. The littlest things remind me of him. I'm hopeless :((

What ever happens it happens for a reason . People are pressured to be in the relationship without even understanding about an a of a relationship. Morover your relationship with others depends on the child hood relationship you had with your parents .if you were abused (mentally, physically,emotionally or verbally )by your parents then you tend to attract abusive people in your life

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