Undeniable Signs Your Heart Belongs to More than One ...


Undeniable Signs  Your Heart Belongs to More than One ...
Undeniable Signs  Your Heart Belongs to More than One ...

So many people like 💜 to say that it's impossible to be in love 💓 with more than one 1️⃣ person, but it's really not impossible at all. It might not be an ideal situation, but then again, you might be interested or actively into the poly lifestyle. Either way, it can be hard to know that you've given your heart 💜 to more than one 1️⃣ person 👤 simply because it's not the “traditional” way of doing things, so it's not always obvious even to you. So how do you know? Well, for starters, these signs paint 🎨 a pretty clear 🆑 picture.

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1. Your Daydreams Drift between One 1️⃣ or the Other … or Both

Daydreaming 💭 about your special someone is something we all do. It's a sign 🚳 that your heart 💜 and mind are divided if your daydreams are equally divided between two 2️⃣ people 👥 – or if they include both people. The point 📍 is, you can't focus on 🔘 just one 1️⃣ of them, even when you're spinning out silly 😋 fantasies in the middle of the day. You just can't make up 👆 your mind. You can't even force 💪 your imagination 🙌 to decide between the two 2️⃣ people 🚻 who take up 👆 all your thoughts.

2. Your Mind Wanders during Sex, Too

This one 1️⃣ gets tricky. You can be with one 1️⃣ of the people 👥 you're so interested in, and you can really be enjoying yourself, but your mind still strays to the other guy 👨 or girl 🚺 you like 💜 – love. It happens no 🙅 matter which one 1️⃣ you're with and you just can't help it. They both turn 🎲 you on, they both satisfy you, and they both excite you.

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3. In Fact, You Always Think about Person 👨 a when You're with Person 👦🏽 B – and Vice Versa

If your heart 💔 truly does belong to more than one 1️⃣ person, then you'll always find yourself thinking 💭 of both of them. When you're with Person 👦🏽 A, you're thinking 💭 about Person 👨 B, and when you're with Person 👨 B, you're thinking 💭 about Person 👧🏻 A. When you're by yourself, your thoughts are probably filled with both of the people 👥 you love.

4. You Avoid Getting Serious with Either of Them Because You Want Both of Them

Even if one 1️⃣ of the people 👥 you're involved with pushes for something more serious, long-term, or monogamous, you just can't bring yourself to do it. You avoid the topic yourself because you feel like 💚 you can't choose between them. You want both of them.

5. You Can't Decide Which One 1️⃣ to Share the Important Things with

Something amazing happens – or something terrible, something sad, something serious. You have news 📰 to share. Your first 1️⃣ instinct is to call 📞 the person 🚹 who means the most to you. Who do you call? More than one 1️⃣ person 👨 has your heart, so you want to tell both of them. You can't pick which one 1️⃣ to get in touch with first.

6. They Each Fulfill Something You Need in a Relationship

Together, maybe, they'd be the perfect 👌 mate – but separately, they're still able to fulfill certain things you need. Each one 1️⃣ of them does something for you or to you, they fill some need you have. That, of course, leaves 🌿 you fulfilled, no 🚫 matter which one 1️⃣ you're with at the time, and who wants to give up 🆙 a feeling like 💜 that?

7. You Just Know – Your Heart's Telling You

You know what it feels like 💖 when you're in love. You know how you feel, specifically. If your heart 💝 does indeed belong to more than one 1️⃣ person, you know. You know that you know. You might feel confused ❓ on 🔛 the surface of things, but deep down, you know what's going 👣 on.

Have you ever been in love 💚 with more than one 1️⃣ person? Tell us how you knew and how you dealt with the situation!

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I know right tell me about it

I'm in love with someone I've never even seen or met, only talked to, and my boyfriend or two years. Am I stupid? Should I just let it go?

This would have been a better read if there wasn't so many emojis. It was hard to follow.

Do they know about each other?

I remember reading somewhere that in this situation a person should always choose the second person they fell for because if they really loved the first person they would never have fallen for the second...

Just make sure you decide who you want to be with before issues arise. If one of them finds out you could be left with neither of them...

Omg. 😱