What "I Love You" Really Means ...

Sici Mar 2, 2018

What "I Love You" Really Means ...
What "I Love You" Really Means ...

Want to know what "I love You" really means? When you are in a relationship and everything is going absolutely perfectly, it might be fair to say that your whole life starts to become focused on hearing your partner say those three magical words, and on the flip side, of actually working up the courage to say them yourself! The phrase ‘I love you’ is one that is so much simpler to say than to mean, and it is also a much briefer sequence of words than the array of meanings that it holds. It might take less than two seconds to say it out loud, but when you really think about breaking it down into all of its component parts, a simple ‘I love you’ means so much more! Here are just a few of the many different sentiments that are encapsulated in ‘I love you’ and what "I love You" really means.

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1. I See You

photograph, black and white, photography, monochrome photography, romance, When someone tells you that they love you, it also means that they see you, they truly see you, perhaps more clearly and more vividly than anybody ever has. They can see past all of the things that you might do in order to hide from the real world, and they are here to tell you that they love what they see.

2. I Accept You

photograph, black and white, person, kiss, monochrome photography, Professing your love for someone means that you are accepting them for exactly who they are, faults included. There are no caveats and addendums when it comes to ‘I love you’, a person is only ready to say when they are 100% accepting of every single thing that makes up the object of their affection.

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3. I Thank You

face, nose, human hair color, kiss, girl, There is also a lot of gratitude that goes along with telling somebody that you love them. You are grateful that this person has come into your life and changed it in such a way that they feel they can now say those three words and really, truly mean them. Love is a crazy big emotion and it doesn’t sprout lightly!

4. I Am Here for You

black, photograph, black and white, snapshot, monochrome photography, Those words are an unspoken promise to the recipient that no matter what lies ahead, they have someone who is always going to be there, held down by pure love and pure devotion. With those three little words, you have made a promise to make that person your new top priority and concern.

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