8 Ways to Figure out What to Buy Your Girlfriend ...


8 Ways to Figure out What to Buy Your Girlfriend ...
8 Ways to Figure out What to Buy Your Girlfriend ...

What to buy a girlfriend…now there’s a question that’s bound to come across a guys mind every now and then! Even if you are the most creative gift-giver imaginable, there’s bound to be some days when you don’t have a clue what to buy your girlfriend. Well, you can relax, because with this list of superb ways to figure out what to buy a girlfriend, I’ve got you covered. Please keep on reading, and remember, these are only suggestions. Feel free to use your own creativity to take these ideas to the next level if necessary!

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1. Talk to Friends

One of the quickest ways to figure out what to buy your girlfriend is to have a quick chat with her closest friends. Odds are, she has probably raved to them about the new bag she saw in her favorite store or the awesome paint set she’d love to get her hands on. You can get the scoop firsthand from your girlfriend’s besties, just make sure to ask when there is no chance that she will overhear you and foil your surprise!

2. Check Her Internet History

Now, before you do this, you might want to make sure that your girlfriend is ok with you using her computer. And you should never use this purpose as an excuse for spying on her. But checking Internet history will show you the websites she shops most on, and typically, specific items she is watching. You’ll be able to tell what she wants in general, and which websites/stores she loves the most. At the very least, you could give her a gift card to one of those places!

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3. Personalize It

One of my favorite ways to figure out what to buy a girlfriend is to personalize it to her taste. There are many, many different photo products on the market today. Look around her place to see which of her favorite pictures she has on display. Get a copy of one, and use it to order her a personalized photo product, like a mouse-pad, coffee-cup, or water-globe. Be sure to pick an item you know she will use. And don’t forget that many things can be personalized, and not necessarily with photos. Engraving, embroidering, and painting are other ways to personalize.

4. Plan a Surprise Trip

Every girl has a place she would love to visit. Although many of them include Europe or Asia, or some other place that may be unrealistic for you at this point, sometimes a little getaway is all a girl needs! This gift idea for your girlfriend is bomb. All you need to do is pack a picnic meal or order takeout and whisk her off to a local park. If you have more time and money to work with, plan an overnight trip to a nearby city you know she likes to visit, or would like to visit.

5. Make a Public Declaration

There aren’t too many girls who wouldn’t want the world to know what a thoughtful guy they have. And the best way to show that off is by you making her to feel special! Here is an easy, inexpensive, and very sweet gift idea for your girlfriend. Get a huge poster board, and use it to write a love note on. It can be as long, short, funny, serious or crazy as you want it to be. Just don’t write anything embarrassing or personal in it! Then display it somewhere where she won’t be the only one who sees it. You could add a flower or some candy if you want to. I’m sure that this idea will go over great!

6. Get Nostalgic

We all have dear memories of our childhood, but I think that girls sometimes hold on to nostalgic musings more than guys do. So here’s a great way to figure out what to buy a girlfriend. Find out a little bit about her childhood. Ask her if there was a certain toy she loved and lost, or something she collected as a child. Maybe there was a toy she always wanted but never got. Now you know exactly what to get for her! Look for collector’s items or sets of significant things, such as books, figurines, or even posters that display the item she used to love so dearly as a child.

7. Simply Ask

There’s really no better way to figure out what to buy your girlfriend than by simply asking her. Learn exactly what she would love to have or do someday, and make it happen! If you want to keep her a little in the dark about what you’re doing, ask her to create wish lists. She can periodically write things down and give them to you, or create online wish lists. Most websites, including eBay, give you the option to make a wish list. One click of a button and you will know exactly what your girl wants!

I hope this handy list has given you a plethora of options and ways to figure out what to buy a girlfriend! Flowers and chocolate are sweet, but they are expected, not to mention cliché. Here’s your chance to really dig down deep and find out what your girlfriend really wants! Use these ways to figure out what to buy your girlfriend for big deals like birthdays or Christmas, but remember that the little things matter too. What are your best gift ideas for your girlfriend? Please comment below!

Top Image Source: simplyme.co.za

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Or check her Pinterest boards!!!

These are great ideas but is there some tips for us to figure out how to get our boyfriend something?? especially since christmas is about to be here n i have no idea what to get him, but i dont wanna ask him cause i want it a suprise, help:/