21st Century Rules of Dating Everyone Knows and Follows ...


The dating world can be intimidating. There are so many things to think about and remember, especially when it comes to first dates. Luckily there are some things you can do to make it a little easier.

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Quit Creeping🕵

This rule kind of falls in the pre-date category, but we thought it was important anyway: close out of his Facebook profile and quit stalking his Insta. It’s so tempting to want to find everything out ahead of time, but it can also make it easy to pre-judge. The only way to know if you’re compatible is to talk in person.


Be on Time⏰

A first date can be stressful enough without the other person wondering if you are going to show up, so make extra effort to be on time. I had guy thinking I stood him up and I was only 10 minutes late. If you are running behind, then send a courtesy text at least.


A first date can be stressful enough without the other person wondering if you are going to show up, so make extra effort to be on time. I had a guy thinking I stood him up and I was only 10 minutes late. If you are running behind, then send a courtesy text at least. Punctuality shows respect for the other person and sets a positive tone for the date. A little preparation—like planning your route ahead of time or allowing for traffic delays—can go a long way. Arriving on time demonstrates that you value their time and are genuinely interested in meeting them.


Consider Budget💸

It may be tempting to want to pick that fancy restaurant that you’ve had your eye on, but be considerate of different budgets and pick a place that has a wide variety. This benefits both parties if you end up splitting the check, too.


Don’t Drink Too Much 🍻

Having a little buzz on a first date can definitely take the edge off, but getting wasted is not ideal. For one, nobody wants to be the girl that gets plastered and has to be taken care of all night. And it can be unsafe – you don’t know this person fully, and you want to be aware of what’s going on.


Wear Something Comfortable👢

I always overthink about what I’m going to wear on a first date. I get torn between wanting to look hot in a pair of fancy heels or be comfortable in my cute (but plain) flats. My advice? Choose the comfortable option. You don’t want to have a bad time because your feet hurt.

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Ditch the Phone📱

Okay, so we don’t mean leave your cell at home. But if you are constantly checking Instagram or using Snapchat with your GF’s all night, that gives the impression that you could care less about the date. Put it away unless you absolutely need it.


Be Straightforward👍

The whole idea of being mysterious can work with some things. When it comes to dating, though, it’s good to be upfront about what you want. Are you there for a hookup or for something more serious? I always address it casually, but address it upfront so I don’t waste our time.


Make Eye Contact👀

The eyes are a powerful communicator. Making eye contact lets someone know that you’re interested and attentive. It can also establish a connection and increase intimacy, so it’s a win-win for you both.

These are just a few things to keep in mind when it comes to stepping foot into the dating scene💏Our biggest tip is to be confident. You have a lot to offer to someone, so own it! If you have more tips, feel free to comment!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Same apply to ladies too, material things that benefit in current dating world

Am I the only person that thinks guys nowadays are totally different than they were say 5yrs. ago? They either want a friends w/benefits deal or every single second of every single day. Am I the only one that has this problem? LOL!!

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