7 Conclusive Signs That Tell You He is Single ...


7 Conclusive Signs That Tell You He is Single ...
7 Conclusive Signs That Tell You He is Single ...

Whether you have your eye on someone, or you're currently getting to know a guy, how do you really know if he’s single? Relationships can be tricky, and in the beginning, some people aren't exactly honest about their relationship status. You don’t want to get into anything complicated so it’s best to do a little investigating to get to the bottom of a guy’s relationship status. Here are the most conclusive signs that he is single.

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If you're hanging out with a guy and you want to be absolutely sure he's single, do a little snooping when you're alone at his place. For example, you can check his magazine rack to see what he's reading. Be suspicious if there are magazines like Cosmo or Redbook in the stash. Take a trip to the bathroom and quietly look in his cabinet for any evidence of a girlfriend (feminine hygiene products, pink razor blades, etc. )



Let's say you're shopping and walk past a guy who catches your eye. You might notice he's not wearing a wedding ring. Peek inside his grocery cart to see what he’s buying. If you see a cart full of frozen dinners or other pre-packaged meals, there's a good chance that he lives alone and he might be single. But there's no way to know for sure unless you ask.


ASK around

If you're interested in a guy, but you don't want to ask him if he’s single, casually ask around. Maybe you have mutual friends and you want to know his relationship status before expressing your interest. You should also ask questions about him to assess whether you’ll be a match. What’s his personality or interests? Is he a good person?



If you're in a new relationship with a guy, and you want to make sure he's single, suggest getting together with a few of his friends and double dating. If he's being honest with you, he might be open to the idea. But if he has another girl in his life, he might make excuses and keep you as far away from his friends (and family) as possible.



If you're interested in a particular guy, you can also check his relationship status by visiting his Facebook page. If he doesn't have any privacy settings, scroll down his page and look for any evidence of a relationship. You can also check his photos which might also indicate he’s in a relationship.

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Being observant and paying attention to little details can also help you determine whether a man is single. Do you notice a slight discoloration on his left ring finger? If so, he might have removed a ring shortly before meeting you. Or if he never answers the phone when you call, but always returns your call five or 10 minutes later, this can also be a sign that he's not single. He might have to wait until he’s alone to talk.



Coming out and asking whether he’s single is one way to get your answer. You can have a small social gathering at your home and invite a guy you're interested in. Let him know he can bring his girlfriend. If he says, “okay we’ll love to attend,” you know he's taken. But if he says, “I don't have a girlfriend, can I bring a friend,” you’re free to make your move.

Unfortunately, you can’t simply look at a guy and tell whether he’s single. It might take a little investigating and trickery to get to the bottom of his relationship status.

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