7 do's Don'ts on Emailing Online Dating Matches ...


7 do's  Don'ts on Emailing Online Dating Matches ...
7 do's  Don'ts on Emailing Online Dating Matches ...

Online Dating is never easy ladies, it's actually one of the hardest things to start doing! There are so many rules to follow, so many do's and don'ts and you have to put in a lot of trust. Don't worry though ladies, if you're just starting out with online dating, I got the low down on some of the do's and don'ts in the email world when it comes to online dating!

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Do: Keep It Short

When you're in the world of online dating, keeping most of your messages short and sweet actually will make your potential date crave your words that much more! You want to think of your emails as little appetizers, it'll keep him hungry and he'll want more and more!


Don't: Double Email

Ladies, even if he doesn't answer right away, you don't want to double-email. It should be one email for each email he returns. It's sort of like text messages, you shouldn't text a guy three times in a row before he has a chance to text you back once. It makes you look a little desperate and a little needy and you have better things to do with your time!


Do: Ask One Question Each Email

While you're keeping those emails shorts and sweet, you definitely want to ask some questions. It should be one question and answer per email. Remember the shortness? Most guys can't get through more than just a few sentences, so make sure that you keep the questions on the short end until you figure out what kind of guy you're dealing with!


Don't: Rant

It's really funny that this is one of the most common mistakes that a lot of girls make when they begin online dating. Ladies, don't rant to your new potential! Doing quirky, quippy little lines to make your sense of humor known is one thing, but writing up a complete and total rant about how you hate your job is another.


Do: Wait to Reply

No matter how badly (and I know I would want to too!) reply, waiting is better. Not only will it leave your potential in suspense, but it will let him know that you have a life outside of online dating too! So wait a half a day, wait a few hours – see what happens!

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Don't: Confess Everything

This one is right up there with no ranting – ladies, don't confess your entire world through email. You want to save all of your insecurities, save all of your secrets and save all of your confessions for your BFF's, not for a potential date. If you really want to confess something, make it about something a little trivial – not something important!


Do: Be Cautious

Finally, make sure that you're cautious in what you're sharing. To be completely honest, you aren't sure who you're talking to when you're going through online dating. Keep facts like an address and phone number to yourself for a while, until you get to know the guy you're chatting with!

Even though online dating is never easy, it is something that can be fun too. Emailing back and forth, getting to know someone new – it's exciting! So ladies, what online dating websites do you use? Have any dating stories to share?

Top Photo Credit: S Migol

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press like and say no i don't know you or take adult witrh you if you decide to meet him

I like your articles- short, to the point, and clever.

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